Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Glenn Beck - Current Events & Politics - Who Benefits From Cap-and-Trade?

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This article shows how Mark Kirk sealed his future as a citizen, not an elected official. Glenn Beck - Current Events & Politics - Who Benefits From Cap-and-Trade?

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Monday, June 29, 2009

I would approve this tax

Now I have an idea for a new tax that would most likely save the good people of Illinois million and millions of dollars.

It is rathe simple. Whenever the legislators have to go into overtime sessions the bee assessed a tax of 50% of their daily pay for the overtime session and an addition fee equal to 1 day pay for everyday over since they did not do anything for the days needed to be carried over. (That is - they worked 1 day of overtime which means that there was 1 day of regular session they must not have done what they are paid for, thus owe us that pay back).

With a tax like this they would most likely start doing their job rather than maintain their political smoozing and making false or weak promises just to look good.

Tax the politician!!!!!

Budget battle "nowhere near the last chapter" - Springfield, IL - The State Journal-Register

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Budget battle "nowhere near the last chapter" - Springfield, IL - The State Journal-Register

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Sunday, June 28, 2009

Where did it all go?

Chicago, Cook County, and the transit system are all in need of money, they are broke and will reduce services, layoff working employees, all is gloom and doom.

What happened to all the money from the sale of the Sky Way?

What happened to all the money from the sale of the parking meters?

What happened to all the money taken from down State to pay for the transit system?

What happened to all the money saved from the unwarranted destruction/removal of Mig's Field?

Is there a black hole where the money goes.

Actually I did not want to use that term because 2 different groups, the racist and the racist. So I looked it up in my dictionary to see if I would have another term to use, BUT I think we can use this to launch a new term.

Here is the definition given for black hole:

black holenoun Astronomya region of space having a gravitational field so intensethat no matter or radiation can escape.Black holes are probably formed when a massivestar exhausts its nuclear fuel and collapses underits own gravity. If the star is massive enough, noknown force can counteract the increasinggravity, and it will collapse to a point of infinitedensity. Before this stage is reached, within acertain radius (the event horizon), light itselfbecomes trapped and the object becomes invisible.

So can we change it from Black to Chicago or Cook or Political (since it seems to be more than just Chicago and Cook County)? Lets see how it would read as Political Hole:

black Political hole

noun political

a region of space having a gravitational field (cash flow) so intense that no matter, money or radiation of money can escape.

Black Political holes are probably formed when a massive star politician exhausts its nuclear fuel (hot air) and collapses under its own gravity (self-righteousness). If the star politician is massive enough, no known force can counteract the increasing gravity, and it will collapse to a point of infinite density. Before this stage is reached, within a certain radius (the event horizon), light itself becomes trapped and the object becomes invisible (and we believe that it has to be that way because it is a power beyond our understanding so we go our way as if nothing is happening).

So as the blog title says YOU CAN VOTE

I need some help with my math.

I need some help with my math.

I grew up in Illinois, South of Interstate 80 and my math is different than Daley & Stroger math.

Here is what I saw as a youth. A small county with just a handful of manufacturing and run-of-the mill businesses and a very good school system. The County had 1 Com Ed Electric Generating Station and 1 large manufacturing operation, 6 mid-size manufacturing and a 8 or so small manufactures. Other than that it had the businesses necessary for the people in the community to sustain day-to-day life.

So I always figured Chicago would have had the state-of-art classrooms and educational programs. But now that I have seen what Chicago has, via all the news media, and dealing indirectly with products of that system I just want to know what is going on.

What is going on with the tax money? WIth all the people, manufacturing, businesses that are State wide, Country wide and Global in Chicago not to mention square footage taxes why are Chicago schools in the condition they are?

What happened to the Illinois Lottery Money? I am old enough to remember that the Lottery was sold to the Illinois Citizens as the miracle that would take away educational school tax burdens.

What happened to the Casino money? The casinos were sold to Illinois as the ‘real’ miracle to end school tax burdens.

Where are the elected officials? Other than just crying and doing nothing.

Mayor Daley has done very well getting the poor people to move out of Chicago. The projects are all but gone and the people there were/are scattered across the county and collar counties. Mayor Daley is doing very good at getting rid of the welfare state in Chicago. He has made it so the poor see that there is no future in Chicago, the schools will not benefit their children and hopefully they would go look for the American Dream elsewhere. Sorry Mayor Daley that is just how I see it.

And Tod Stroger likes what he has seen the mayor do.

Has anyone noticed that Chicago is catering to the elite? And if he gets the Olympics ..... displacement will be back on track.

And those sold on ‘the Democrats are for us the poor and working’ need to really look at what supports this system. And the Republicans need to take note and understand that they need to act on behalf of the poor and expose the lip-service that is the status quo.

Saturday, June 27, 2009

Cap & Trade Trader Kirk. Burris and Durbin take note

Can you believe that Illinois want-to-be Senator Mark Kirk did the most irresponsible thing you could think of in an attempt to win Illinois voter approval for a Senate seat. He voted FOR Cap & Trade. OMG.

What is he thinking, putting another hole in this sinking State?

He did have a nice video clip showing ow big the bill was and how little time he had to review it.


I will send you a 1,000 page document that says you must give me 2 million dollars and you have 10 minutes to read it. Would you sign that as well.

This with your very poor and weak stance on the 2nd Amendment and the right for citizens to own weapons can guarantee that you will be wasting money running for Senate.

And the 2 Illinois Senators need to take note that they need to vote NO to this bill.