Monday, December 28, 2009
OBITUARY: Born 1776, - Died 2008
It does not hurt to read this several times.
Professor Joseph Olson of Hamline University School of Law, St. Paul , Minnesota , points out some interesting facts concerning last November's Presidential election:
Number of States won by: Obama: 19 McCain: 29
Square miles of land won by: Obama: 580,000 McCain: 2,427,000
Population of counties won by: Obama: 127 million McCain: 143 million
Murder rate per 100,000 residents in counties won by: Obama: 13.2 McCain: 2.1
Professor Olson adds: "In aggregate, the map of the territory McCain won was mostly the land owned by the taxpaying citizens of the country.
Obama territory mostly encompassed those citizens living in low income tenements and living off various forms of government welfare..."
Olson believes the United States is now somewhere between the "complacency and apathy" phase of Professor Tyler's definition of democracy, with some forty percent of the nation's population already having reached the "governmental dependency" phase.
If Congress grants amnesty and citizenship to twenty million criminal invaders called illegals (including muslims) and they vote, then we can say goodbye to the USA in fewer than five years.
Apathy is the greatest danger to our freedom.
In God we trust!
Sunday, December 20, 2009
Stossel & Mackey Blame Govt for High Health Care Prices, People Die Waiting for Health Care in Canada |
By Brad Wilmouth (Bio | Archive) December 20, 2009 - 16:41 ET
On Thursday’s Stossel show on Fox Business Network, host John Stossel got to do the kind of show he was not able to do earlier this year when he was at ABC, as he devoted an entire show to the debate over access to health care, and gave attention to the market-based plan utilized by most employees of Whole Foods, which uses health savings accounts and encourages employees to shop around for health care, and to conserve their money for use in future years. Whole Foods CEO John Mackey, who has been the target of attacks from socialized medicine advocates despite the popularity of his company’s program with its employees, was the featured guest on Stossel's show, though he and Stossel at one point did get to debate socialized medicine advocate Russell Mokhiber. When Mokhiber cited the dubious statistic that 45,000 Americans die yearly from lack of health insurance, and contended that "zero Canadians die from lack of health insurance," Mackey charged that in Canada, "They oftentimes die from a lack of health care as they wait for services that are rationed by governmental bureaucrats."
Stossel and Mackey also charged that government regulations that forbid health insurance companies to compete across state lines, and that require insurance companies to cover procedures in their plans that are not desired by many customers, have helped create the problem of high prices:
On Thursday’s Stossel show on Fox Business Network, host John Stossel got to do the kind of show he was not able to do earlier this year when he was at ABC, as he devoted an entire show to the debate over access to health care, and gave attention to the market-based plan utilized by most employees of Whole Foods, which uses health savings accounts and encourages employees to shop around for health care, and to conserve their money for use in future years. Whole Foods CEO John Mackey, who has been the target of attacks from socialized medicine advocates despite the popularity of his company’s program with its employees, was the featured guest on Stossel's show, though he and Stossel at one point did get to debate socialized medicine advocate Russell Mokhiber. When Mokhiber cited the dubious statistic that 45,000 Americans die yearly from lack of health insurance, and contended that "zero Canadians die from lack of health insurance," Mackey charged that in Canada, "They oftentimes die from a lack of health care as they wait for services that are rationed by governmental bureaucrats."
Stossel and Mackey also charged that government regulations that forbid health insurance companies to compete across state lines, and that require insurance companies to cover procedures in their plans that are not desired by many customers, have helped create the problem of high prices:
Some sobering facts!!
--This is a great read and well worth the 3 minutes-----
This business owner has guts and tells it like it really is to his employees.
Read this it is very good. Our Pres. cong. and sen. needs to read.
This is one of the most eloquently put descriptions of what small business is all about that I have ever read. It will take a few minutes to read, but it is the reality of the world we live and work in today and what future we may have to deal with. See what you think.
The Employee Meeting: I would like to start by thanking you for attending this meeting, though it's not like you had much of a choice. After all, attendance was mandatory. I'm also glad many of you accepted my invitation to your family members to be here as well. I have a few remarks to make to all of you, and then we'll retire to the ballroom for a great lunch and some employee awards.
I felt that this meeting was important enough to close all 12 of our tire and automotive shops today so that you could be here. To reassure you, everybody is being paid for the day --- except me. Since our stores are closed we're making no money. That economic loss is mine to sustain. Carrington Automotive has 157 full time employees and around 30 additional part-timers. All of you are here. I thank you for that.
When you walked into this auditorium you were handed a rather thick 78-page document. Many of you have already taken a peek. You were probably surprised to see that it's my personal tax return for 2008. Those of you who are adept at reading these tax returns will see that last year my taxable income was $534,000.00. Now I'm sure this seems rather high to many of you. So .... let's talk about this tax return.
Carrington Automotive Enterprises is what we call a Sub-S - a Subchapter S corporation. The name comes from a particular part of our tax code. Sub-S status means that the income from all 12 of our stores is reported on my personal tax return. Businesses that report their income on the owner's personal tax return are referred to as "small businesses." So, you see now that this $534,000 is really the total taxable income - the total combined profit from all 12 of our stores. That works out to an average of a bit over $44,000 per store.
Why did I feel it important for you to see my actual 2008 tax return? Well, there's a lot of rhetoric being thrown around today about taxes, small businesses and rich people. To the people in charge in Washington right now I'm a wealthy American making over a half-million dollars a year. Most Americans would agree: I'm just another rich guy; after all ... I had over a half-million in income last year, right? In this room we know that the reality is that I'm a small business owner who runs 12 retail establishments and employs 187 people.. Now here's something that shouldn't surprise you, but it will: Just under 100 percent ... make that 99.7 percent of all employers in this country are small businesses, just like ours.
Every one of these businesses reports their income on a personal income tax return. You need to understand that small businesses like ours are responsible for about 80 percent of all private sector jobs in this country, and about 70 percent of all jobs that have been created over the past year. You also need to know that when you hear some politician talking about rich people who earn over $200,000 or $500,000 a year, they're talking about the people who create the jobs.
The people who are now running the show in Washington have been talking for months about raising taxes on wealthy Americans. I already know that in two years my federal income taxes are going to go up by about 4.5 percent. That happens when Obama and the Democrats allow the Bush tax cuts to expire. When my taxes climb by 4.5 percent the Democrats will be on television saying that this really isn't a tax increase. They'll explain that the Bush tax cuts have expired .. nothing more. Here at Carrington we'll know that almost 5% has been taken right off of our bottom line. And that means it will be coming off your bottom line.
Numbers are boring, I know ... but let's talk a bit more about that $534,000. That's the money that was left last year from company revenues after I paid all of the salaries and expenses of running this business. Now I could have kept every penny of that for myself, but that would have left us with nothing to grow our business, to attract new customers and to hire new employees. You're aware that we've been talking about opening new stores in Virginia Beach and Newport News . To do that I will have to buy or lease property, construct a building and purchase inventory. I also have to hire additional people to work in those stores. These people wouldn't immediately be earning their pay. So, where do you think the money for all of this comes from? Right out of our profits .. right out of that $534,000.. I need to advertise to bring customers in, especially in these tough times. Where do you think that money comes from? Oh sure, I can count it as an expense when I file my next income tax return .. but for right now that comes from either current revenues or last year's profits. Revenues right now aren't all that hot ... so do the math. A good effective advertising campaign might cost us more than $300,000.
Is this all starting to come together for you now?
Right now the Democrats are pushing a nationalized health care plan that, depending on who's doing the talking, will add anywhere from another two percent to an additional 4.6 percent to my taxes. If I add a few more stores, which I would like to do, and if the economy improves, my taxable income .... our business income ... could go over one million dollars! If that happens the Democrats have yet another tax waiting, another five percent plus! I've really lost track of all of the new government programs the Democrats and President Obama are proposing that they claim they will be able to finance with new taxes on what they call "wealthy Americans."
And while we're talking about health care, let me explain something else to you. I understand that possibly your biggest complaint with our company is that we don't provide you with health insurance. That is because as your employer I believe that it is my responsibility to provide you with a safe workplace and a fair wage and to do all that I can to preserve and grow this company that provides us all with income. I no more have a responsibility to provide you with health insurance than I do with life, auto or homeowner's insurance. As you know, I have periodically invited agents for health insurance companies here to provide you with information on private health insurance plans.
The Democrats are proposing to levy yet another tax against Carrington in the amount of 8 percent of my payroll as a penalty for not providing you with health insurance. You should know that if they do this I will be reducing every person's salary or hourly wage by that same 8 percent. This will not be done to put any more money in my pocket. It will be done to make sure that I don't suffer financially from the Democrat's efforts to place our healthcare under the control of the federal government. It is your health, not mine. It is your healthcare, not mine. These are your expenses, not mine. If you think I'm wrong about all this, I would sure love to hear your reasoning.
Try to understand what I'm telling you here. Those people that Obama and the Democrats call "wealthy Americans" are, in very large part, America 's small business owners. I'm one of them. You have the evidence, and surely you don't think that the owner of a bunch of tire stores is anything special. That $534,000 figure on my income tax return puts me squarely in Democrat crosshairs when it comes to tax increases.
Let's be clear about this ... crystal clear. Any federal tax increase on me is going to cost you money, not me. Any new taxes on Carrington Automotive will be new taxes that you, or the people I don't hire to staff the new stores I won't be building, will be paying. Do you understand what I'm telling you? You've heard about things rolling downhill, right? Fine ... then you need to know that taxes, like that other stuff, roll downhill.. Now you and I may understand that you are not among those that the Democrats call "wealthy Americans," but when this "tax the rich" thing comes down you are going to be standing at the bottom of the mud slide, if you get my drift. That's life in the big city, my friends ... where elections have consequences.
You know our economy is very weak right now. I've pledged to get us through this without layoffs or cuts in your wages and benefits. It's too bad the politicians can't get us through this without attacking our profits. To insure our survival I have to take a substantial portion of that $534,000 and set it aside for unexpected expenses and a worsening economy. Trouble is, the government is eyeing that money too ... and they have the guns. If they want it, they can take it.
I don't want to make this too long. There's a great lunch waiting for us all. But you need to understand what's happening here. I've worked hard for 23 years to create this business. There were many years where I couldn't take a penny in income because every dollar was being dedicated to expanding the business. There were tough times when it took every dollar of revenues to replenish our inventory and cover your paychecks. During those times I earned nothing. If you want to see those tax returns, just let me know.
OK .... I know I'm repeating myself here. I don't hire stupid people, and you are probably getting it now. So let me just ramble for a few more minutes.Most Americans don't realize that when the Democrats talk about raising taxes on people making more than $250 thousand a year, they're talking about raising taxes on small businesses. The U.S. Treasury Department says that six out of every ten individuals in this country with incomes of more than $280,000 are actually small business owners. About one-half of the income in this country that would be subject to these increased taxes is from small businesses like ours. Depending on how many of these wonderful new taxes the Democrats manage to pass, this company could see its tax burden increase by as much as $60,000. Perhaps more.
I know a lot of you voted for President Obama. A lot of you voted for Democrats across the board. Whether you voted out of support for some specific policies, or because you liked his slogans, you need to learn one very valuable lesson from this election. Elections have consequences. You might have thought it would be cool to have a president who looks like you; or a president who is young, has a buff body, and speaks eloquently when there's a teleprompter in the neighborhood. Maybe you liked his promises to tax the rich. Maybe you believed his promise not to raise taxes on people earning less than a certain amount. Maybe you actually bought into his promise to cut taxes on millions of Americans who actually don't pay income taxes in the first place.. Whatever the reason .. your vote had consequences; and here they are.
Bottom line? I'm not taking this hit alone.. As soon as the Democrats manage to get their tax increases on the books, I'm going to take steps to make sure that my family isn't affected. When you own the business, that is what you're allowed to do. I built this business over a period of 23 years, and I'm not going to see my family suffer because we have a president and a congress who think that wealth is distributed rather than earned. Any additional taxes, of whatever description, that President Obama and the Democrats inflict on this business will come straight out of any funds I have set aside for expansion or pay and benefit increases. Any plans I might have had to hire additional employees for new stores will be put aside. Any plans for raises for the people I now have working for me will be shelved.. Year-end bonuses might well be eliminated. That may sound rough, but that's the reality.
You're going to continue to hear a lot of anti-wealth rhetoric out there from the media and from the left. You can choose to believe what you wish ... ..but when it comes to Carrington Automotive you will know the truth. The books are open to any of you at any time. I have nothing to hide. I would hope that other small business owners out there would hold meetings like this one, but I know it won't happen that often.. One of the lessons to be learned here is that taxes ... all taxes ... and all regulatory costs that are placed on businesses anywhere in this country, will eventually be passed right on down to individuals; individuals such as yourself. This hasn't been about admonishing anyone and it hasn't been about issuing threats.
This is part of the education you should have received in the government schools, but didn't. Class is now dismissed.
This business owner has guts and tells it like it really is to his employees.
Read this it is very good. Our Pres. cong. and sen. needs to read.
This is one of the most eloquently put descriptions of what small business is all about that I have ever read. It will take a few minutes to read, but it is the reality of the world we live and work in today and what future we may have to deal with. See what you think.
The Employee Meeting: I would like to start by thanking you for attending this meeting, though it's not like you had much of a choice. After all, attendance was mandatory. I'm also glad many of you accepted my invitation to your family members to be here as well. I have a few remarks to make to all of you, and then we'll retire to the ballroom for a great lunch and some employee awards.
I felt that this meeting was important enough to close all 12 of our tire and automotive shops today so that you could be here. To reassure you, everybody is being paid for the day --- except me. Since our stores are closed we're making no money. That economic loss is mine to sustain. Carrington Automotive has 157 full time employees and around 30 additional part-timers. All of you are here. I thank you for that.
When you walked into this auditorium you were handed a rather thick 78-page document. Many of you have already taken a peek. You were probably surprised to see that it's my personal tax return for 2008. Those of you who are adept at reading these tax returns will see that last year my taxable income was $534,000.00. Now I'm sure this seems rather high to many of you. So .... let's talk about this tax return.
Carrington Automotive Enterprises is what we call a Sub-S - a Subchapter S corporation. The name comes from a particular part of our tax code. Sub-S status means that the income from all 12 of our stores is reported on my personal tax return. Businesses that report their income on the owner's personal tax return are referred to as "small businesses." So, you see now that this $534,000 is really the total taxable income - the total combined profit from all 12 of our stores. That works out to an average of a bit over $44,000 per store.
Why did I feel it important for you to see my actual 2008 tax return? Well, there's a lot of rhetoric being thrown around today about taxes, small businesses and rich people. To the people in charge in Washington right now I'm a wealthy American making over a half-million dollars a year. Most Americans would agree: I'm just another rich guy; after all ... I had over a half-million in income last year, right? In this room we know that the reality is that I'm a small business owner who runs 12 retail establishments and employs 187 people.. Now here's something that shouldn't surprise you, but it will: Just under 100 percent ... make that 99.7 percent of all employers in this country are small businesses, just like ours.
Every one of these businesses reports their income on a personal income tax return. You need to understand that small businesses like ours are responsible for about 80 percent of all private sector jobs in this country, and about 70 percent of all jobs that have been created over the past year. You also need to know that when you hear some politician talking about rich people who earn over $200,000 or $500,000 a year, they're talking about the people who create the jobs.
The people who are now running the show in Washington have been talking for months about raising taxes on wealthy Americans. I already know that in two years my federal income taxes are going to go up by about 4.5 percent. That happens when Obama and the Democrats allow the Bush tax cuts to expire. When my taxes climb by 4.5 percent the Democrats will be on television saying that this really isn't a tax increase. They'll explain that the Bush tax cuts have expired .. nothing more. Here at Carrington we'll know that almost 5% has been taken right off of our bottom line. And that means it will be coming off your bottom line.
Numbers are boring, I know ... but let's talk a bit more about that $534,000. That's the money that was left last year from company revenues after I paid all of the salaries and expenses of running this business. Now I could have kept every penny of that for myself, but that would have left us with nothing to grow our business, to attract new customers and to hire new employees. You're aware that we've been talking about opening new stores in Virginia Beach and Newport News . To do that I will have to buy or lease property, construct a building and purchase inventory. I also have to hire additional people to work in those stores. These people wouldn't immediately be earning their pay. So, where do you think the money for all of this comes from? Right out of our profits .. right out of that $534,000.. I need to advertise to bring customers in, especially in these tough times. Where do you think that money comes from? Oh sure, I can count it as an expense when I file my next income tax return .. but for right now that comes from either current revenues or last year's profits. Revenues right now aren't all that hot ... so do the math. A good effective advertising campaign might cost us more than $300,000.
Is this all starting to come together for you now?
Right now the Democrats are pushing a nationalized health care plan that, depending on who's doing the talking, will add anywhere from another two percent to an additional 4.6 percent to my taxes. If I add a few more stores, which I would like to do, and if the economy improves, my taxable income .... our business income ... could go over one million dollars! If that happens the Democrats have yet another tax waiting, another five percent plus! I've really lost track of all of the new government programs the Democrats and President Obama are proposing that they claim they will be able to finance with new taxes on what they call "wealthy Americans."
And while we're talking about health care, let me explain something else to you. I understand that possibly your biggest complaint with our company is that we don't provide you with health insurance. That is because as your employer I believe that it is my responsibility to provide you with a safe workplace and a fair wage and to do all that I can to preserve and grow this company that provides us all with income. I no more have a responsibility to provide you with health insurance than I do with life, auto or homeowner's insurance. As you know, I have periodically invited agents for health insurance companies here to provide you with information on private health insurance plans.
The Democrats are proposing to levy yet another tax against Carrington in the amount of 8 percent of my payroll as a penalty for not providing you with health insurance. You should know that if they do this I will be reducing every person's salary or hourly wage by that same 8 percent. This will not be done to put any more money in my pocket. It will be done to make sure that I don't suffer financially from the Democrat's efforts to place our healthcare under the control of the federal government. It is your health, not mine. It is your healthcare, not mine. These are your expenses, not mine. If you think I'm wrong about all this, I would sure love to hear your reasoning.
Try to understand what I'm telling you here. Those people that Obama and the Democrats call "wealthy Americans" are, in very large part, America 's small business owners. I'm one of them. You have the evidence, and surely you don't think that the owner of a bunch of tire stores is anything special. That $534,000 figure on my income tax return puts me squarely in Democrat crosshairs when it comes to tax increases.
Let's be clear about this ... crystal clear. Any federal tax increase on me is going to cost you money, not me. Any new taxes on Carrington Automotive will be new taxes that you, or the people I don't hire to staff the new stores I won't be building, will be paying. Do you understand what I'm telling you? You've heard about things rolling downhill, right? Fine ... then you need to know that taxes, like that other stuff, roll downhill.. Now you and I may understand that you are not among those that the Democrats call "wealthy Americans," but when this "tax the rich" thing comes down you are going to be standing at the bottom of the mud slide, if you get my drift. That's life in the big city, my friends ... where elections have consequences.
You know our economy is very weak right now. I've pledged to get us through this without layoffs or cuts in your wages and benefits. It's too bad the politicians can't get us through this without attacking our profits. To insure our survival I have to take a substantial portion of that $534,000 and set it aside for unexpected expenses and a worsening economy. Trouble is, the government is eyeing that money too ... and they have the guns. If they want it, they can take it.
I don't want to make this too long. There's a great lunch waiting for us all. But you need to understand what's happening here. I've worked hard for 23 years to create this business. There were many years where I couldn't take a penny in income because every dollar was being dedicated to expanding the business. There were tough times when it took every dollar of revenues to replenish our inventory and cover your paychecks. During those times I earned nothing. If you want to see those tax returns, just let me know.
OK .... I know I'm repeating myself here. I don't hire stupid people, and you are probably getting it now. So let me just ramble for a few more minutes.Most Americans don't realize that when the Democrats talk about raising taxes on people making more than $250 thousand a year, they're talking about raising taxes on small businesses. The U.S. Treasury Department says that six out of every ten individuals in this country with incomes of more than $280,000 are actually small business owners. About one-half of the income in this country that would be subject to these increased taxes is from small businesses like ours. Depending on how many of these wonderful new taxes the Democrats manage to pass, this company could see its tax burden increase by as much as $60,000. Perhaps more.
I know a lot of you voted for President Obama. A lot of you voted for Democrats across the board. Whether you voted out of support for some specific policies, or because you liked his slogans, you need to learn one very valuable lesson from this election. Elections have consequences. You might have thought it would be cool to have a president who looks like you; or a president who is young, has a buff body, and speaks eloquently when there's a teleprompter in the neighborhood. Maybe you liked his promises to tax the rich. Maybe you believed his promise not to raise taxes on people earning less than a certain amount. Maybe you actually bought into his promise to cut taxes on millions of Americans who actually don't pay income taxes in the first place.. Whatever the reason .. your vote had consequences; and here they are.
Bottom line? I'm not taking this hit alone.. As soon as the Democrats manage to get their tax increases on the books, I'm going to take steps to make sure that my family isn't affected. When you own the business, that is what you're allowed to do. I built this business over a period of 23 years, and I'm not going to see my family suffer because we have a president and a congress who think that wealth is distributed rather than earned. Any additional taxes, of whatever description, that President Obama and the Democrats inflict on this business will come straight out of any funds I have set aside for expansion or pay and benefit increases. Any plans I might have had to hire additional employees for new stores will be put aside. Any plans for raises for the people I now have working for me will be shelved.. Year-end bonuses might well be eliminated. That may sound rough, but that's the reality.
You're going to continue to hear a lot of anti-wealth rhetoric out there from the media and from the left. You can choose to believe what you wish ... ..but when it comes to Carrington Automotive you will know the truth. The books are open to any of you at any time. I have nothing to hide. I would hope that other small business owners out there would hold meetings like this one, but I know it won't happen that often.. One of the lessons to be learned here is that taxes ... all taxes ... and all regulatory costs that are placed on businesses anywhere in this country, will eventually be passed right on down to individuals; individuals such as yourself. This hasn't been about admonishing anyone and it hasn't been about issuing threats.
This is part of the education you should have received in the government schools, but didn't. Class is now dismissed.
Defund and Disobey
Defund and Disobey
Posted by Alex GimarcFriday, December 18, 2009
Written by Dr. Jack Wheeler
Thursday, 17 December 2009
A friend of mine lives in Kona on the Big Island in Hawaii. He has a fishing boat which he proudly named the 44-DD after a spectacular feature of his wife’s anatomy. This is not about that sort of Double-D.
While it may be difficult to keep your mind off what that spectacular feature might look like - just as it’s hard to comply with the demand that you not think of a pink elephant - let’s try and focus on a Double-D that can rescue our country from the clutches of the Fascist Democrat Party and the destruction being wrought upon it by President Zero.
So - what does this Double-D stand for? It’s a strategy for any Republican wanting to get elected or re-elected to Congress in 2010, and for any Tea Partyer wanting to take individual action now against a government that ignores the Constitution. Double-D stands for Defund and Disobey.
Let’s talk about the Defund D first. The Founders in their usual brilliance place the power of the purse in the House, whose members must face election every two years - for if they become profligate with this power the voters can throw them out within months (24 max) rather than wait years (6) like the Senate.
All Appropriation bills authorizing any branch of the federal government (legislative, judicial, executive) to spend any money for any program must be initiated in and passed by a majority of the House. The Senate can only agree or disagree, and the same with the President.
The obverse of this appropriation authority is that if the House doesn’t authorize money for something, then no money can be spent on that something by anyone in the federal government.
This was Senator Jim Inhofe’s point when he announced (12/13) that “Obama has no power to make a deal in Copenhagen.” Unless the House appropriates the money for any deal he makes, there’s no deal at all.
A conservative group in DC, Americans for Tax Reform run by Grover Norquist, has had a successful program for some years called the Tax Protection Pledge. It is a pledge signed by a candidate for public office to his constituents that (s)he will oppose any and all tax increases.
Thus it has been helpful in not increasing the burden of government on taxpayers - but it does nothing to actually decrease that burden.
Currently, this is the best that can be done at the federal legislative level. That is, the key goal of House & Senate Republicans is to block the passage of Dem legislation that will expand government and make our economy so much worse than it already is. There is no way for the Pubs to pass legislation that will make things better - and this is true even if the Republicans gain majority in the House in 2010 due to Zero’s veto power.
There is another way. One key solution to solving our problems, economic and social, is to get the federal government out of the way. To the extent that this requires positive legislative remedies - such as eliminating capital gains taxes, the depreciation schedule for capital expenses, and Sarbox - these will have to wait until we get a pro-capitalist president instead of a pro-socialist in 2012.
This means we must focus on negative legislative remedies that the Pubs can effect with a House majority right after 2010 and not wait until 2012. They can simply refuse to fund Zero’s programs. The Zero Administration is adding some 10,000 new federal employees to government payrolls every month? Eliminate the funding to pay them, requiring that their jobs be terminated.
ObamaCare is passed by the House & Senate and is made law, providing for a government seizure of one-sixth of the economy? Refuse to appropriate the money to fund the administrative apparatus required.
The EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) wants to conduct a carbon jihad and seize control over the economy by regulating carbon dioxide as a pollutant? Gut the EPA’s budget and thus its ability to do so.
NASA and other government agencies continue to conduct climate fraud? Zero out all funding for global warming research.
Thus, in order to gain the support of TeaPartyers and plain normal voters for their candidacy, Republicans wishing to get elected or re-elected to the House should be required to sign The Defund Pledge:
“Should I be elected, I solemnly pledge to my constituents that I will consistently vote to defund, or vote against appropriating any money for, any federal program or activity not specifically authorized by an enumerated power in the United States Constitution. For any federal program or activity I do vote to fund, I will provide the specific enumerated power constitutionally permitting it.”
It’s the only “purity test” conservatives need.
Just as the “Contract with America” enabled Republicans to gain a House majority in 1994, so the Defund Pledge will ensure they do so in 2010. The voting public is increasingly fed up with the Dems. But they are still wary of the Pubs who refused to shut off the spending spigots during the Bush years.
The Defund Pledge can reassure voters that the GOP will in fact dismantle Democrat fascism by committing to a concrete and simple way to do so: defund the Dem programs and on a Constitutional basis.
It provides the starkest contrast to the insufferably outlaw arrogance of Dems, epitomized by Nancy Pelosi, who when asked where in the Constitution was it allowed for the federal government to force people to buy something (e.g., health insurance), angrily responded, “Are you kidding me? Are you kidding me?”
And it gives the TeaPartyers the single uniting electoral message they are searching for. Right now, the TeaParty movement is inchoate, more emotion than focus. As this article points out, “the biggest challenge facing the movement is how to organize hundreds of local groups, and dozens of Tea Party leaders nationwide with divergent interests, into a force that can influence elections.”
The Defund Pledge solves the challenge.
And yet… the 2010 elections are next November and the new Congress, presumably with a Republican majority, won’t take office until the end of January 2011. The amount of damage Zero and the Dems can do until then is monumental - on top of the damage they have already done this year. How can that be prevented and undone? What can be done now?
The answer is the second D: Disobey. Disobey the Ghandi Way. Peaceful civil disobedience. No violence. Just the refusal to obey fascist and unconstitutional laws.
There are only three federal crimes in the Constitution: treason (Article III section 3), piracy, and counterfeiting (Article I, section 8). Yet Congress has passed laws making over 4,000 activities a federal crime now, and federal regulatory agencies have issued tens of thousands of rules and regulations the violation of which constitutes a jailable offense.
Ever hear of the Aquatic Nuisance Prevention and Control Act? Under it, anyone who transports water hyacinths across state lines for “interstate commerce” can be put in jail for six months and fined thousands of dollars.
Suppose a group of TeaPartyers, with press in tow, walked across a state line wearing water hyacinth flowers in their hair, and met another group of TeaPartyers waiting for them who proceeded to buy the flowers for a penny apiece?
The Federal Register contains some 85 thousand pages of rules and regulations, most all of which are unconstitutional. TeaPartyers have a lot to choose from.
Or they could focus on, say, ObamaCare. If it’s passed with the mandate to buy health insurance or pay a $1,000 fine - what if tens of thousands, what if hundreds of thousands of TeaPartyers refused to do either? Perhaps a few might be prosecuted - but there is no way all but a tiny fraction could. There are not enough prosecutors nor judges and it would tie the fed courts up in knots.
And that’s the goal. For so many people to disobey so many rules that it becomes impossible for the rules to be enforced.
Call this The Revolution of Disobedience. A Mass Movement of Conservative Civil Disobedience that empowers every participant who knows he or she is actually doing something specific and concrete to bring down Fedzilla.
The anger among TeaPartyers is growing to such an extent that one hears “lock and load” talk, implying they are ready to physically fight against the federales with guns and violence. If they have the guts to do this, then surely they have the guts to simply disobey fascist laws non-violently and peacefully, to fight in the courts and not the streets. Yet it’s a far safer and more effective way to cripple Leviathan.
Ghandi knew this. He saw where the Brits were vulnerable and went after them with disobedience. After building railroads in India, the Brits couldn’t run the place without them. And they couldn’t run the railroads by themselves, for they required many thousands of Indian railroad workers. So he persuaded the railroad workers to go on sitdown strikes. They did, the Brits shouted and screamed that such strikes were illegal, Ghandi and the workers said “So what?” - and British rule of India was over.
If the EPA conducts a Carbon Jihad, if the Dems enact a Cap & Tax bill penalizing energy production in the US, it would take no more than 50,000 energy workers to go fishing next winter, shutting down refineries, coal plants, pipelines et al, for the entire east coast to freeze in the dark.
What Ghandi knew - what TeaPartyers need to know - is that the key to success of any mass movement is the opponent’s loss of moral legitimacy. The goal, then, of The Revolution of Disobedience is to deligitimize the moral obligation to obey fascist laws.
There is no such obligation - any more than there is a moral obligation not to lie to a mugger holding you up at gunpoint about money hidden on you and not in your wallet. You may have a practical obligation to obey what he says, but no moral duty.
Just like the mugger, Fedzilla may have power and guns - but no moral authority unless its rules and laws are enumerated constitutionally.
So - expect to see at TeaParty demos and meetings signs that declare Just Say No To Fascists - We Won’t Obey Your Fascist Rules - For The Health of America, Break At Least One Fascist Law A Day.
Expect to see public demonstrations of federal rule breaking, initially with mass arrests - and the arrestees all demanding a jury trial. Expect to see courthouse protests with protestors making sure the jury members understand jury nullification (for info on a jury’s right to nullify the law under which a defendant is being prosecuted, see the Fully Informed Jury Association). Expect to see them acquitted with rare exceptions, then the prosecutors and judges give up under the onslaught of mass disobedience.
We don’t need guns, we don’t need violence in any way to rescue America. We just need to say no. No to funding fascism. No to obeying fascism. The Double-D - Defund and Disobey - will save our country.
Posted by Alex GimarcFriday, December 18, 2009
Written by Dr. Jack Wheeler
Thursday, 17 December 2009
A friend of mine lives in Kona on the Big Island in Hawaii. He has a fishing boat which he proudly named the 44-DD after a spectacular feature of his wife’s anatomy. This is not about that sort of Double-D.
While it may be difficult to keep your mind off what that spectacular feature might look like - just as it’s hard to comply with the demand that you not think of a pink elephant - let’s try and focus on a Double-D that can rescue our country from the clutches of the Fascist Democrat Party and the destruction being wrought upon it by President Zero.
So - what does this Double-D stand for? It’s a strategy for any Republican wanting to get elected or re-elected to Congress in 2010, and for any Tea Partyer wanting to take individual action now against a government that ignores the Constitution. Double-D stands for Defund and Disobey.
Let’s talk about the Defund D first. The Founders in their usual brilliance place the power of the purse in the House, whose members must face election every two years - for if they become profligate with this power the voters can throw them out within months (24 max) rather than wait years (6) like the Senate.
All Appropriation bills authorizing any branch of the federal government (legislative, judicial, executive) to spend any money for any program must be initiated in and passed by a majority of the House. The Senate can only agree or disagree, and the same with the President.
The obverse of this appropriation authority is that if the House doesn’t authorize money for something, then no money can be spent on that something by anyone in the federal government.
This was Senator Jim Inhofe’s point when he announced (12/13) that “Obama has no power to make a deal in Copenhagen.” Unless the House appropriates the money for any deal he makes, there’s no deal at all.
A conservative group in DC, Americans for Tax Reform run by Grover Norquist, has had a successful program for some years called the Tax Protection Pledge. It is a pledge signed by a candidate for public office to his constituents that (s)he will oppose any and all tax increases.
Thus it has been helpful in not increasing the burden of government on taxpayers - but it does nothing to actually decrease that burden.
Currently, this is the best that can be done at the federal legislative level. That is, the key goal of House & Senate Republicans is to block the passage of Dem legislation that will expand government and make our economy so much worse than it already is. There is no way for the Pubs to pass legislation that will make things better - and this is true even if the Republicans gain majority in the House in 2010 due to Zero’s veto power.
There is another way. One key solution to solving our problems, economic and social, is to get the federal government out of the way. To the extent that this requires positive legislative remedies - such as eliminating capital gains taxes, the depreciation schedule for capital expenses, and Sarbox - these will have to wait until we get a pro-capitalist president instead of a pro-socialist in 2012.
This means we must focus on negative legislative remedies that the Pubs can effect with a House majority right after 2010 and not wait until 2012. They can simply refuse to fund Zero’s programs. The Zero Administration is adding some 10,000 new federal employees to government payrolls every month? Eliminate the funding to pay them, requiring that their jobs be terminated.
ObamaCare is passed by the House & Senate and is made law, providing for a government seizure of one-sixth of the economy? Refuse to appropriate the money to fund the administrative apparatus required.
The EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) wants to conduct a carbon jihad and seize control over the economy by regulating carbon dioxide as a pollutant? Gut the EPA’s budget and thus its ability to do so.
NASA and other government agencies continue to conduct climate fraud? Zero out all funding for global warming research.
Thus, in order to gain the support of TeaPartyers and plain normal voters for their candidacy, Republicans wishing to get elected or re-elected to the House should be required to sign The Defund Pledge:
“Should I be elected, I solemnly pledge to my constituents that I will consistently vote to defund, or vote against appropriating any money for, any federal program or activity not specifically authorized by an enumerated power in the United States Constitution. For any federal program or activity I do vote to fund, I will provide the specific enumerated power constitutionally permitting it.”
It’s the only “purity test” conservatives need.
Just as the “Contract with America” enabled Republicans to gain a House majority in 1994, so the Defund Pledge will ensure they do so in 2010. The voting public is increasingly fed up with the Dems. But they are still wary of the Pubs who refused to shut off the spending spigots during the Bush years.
The Defund Pledge can reassure voters that the GOP will in fact dismantle Democrat fascism by committing to a concrete and simple way to do so: defund the Dem programs and on a Constitutional basis.
It provides the starkest contrast to the insufferably outlaw arrogance of Dems, epitomized by Nancy Pelosi, who when asked where in the Constitution was it allowed for the federal government to force people to buy something (e.g., health insurance), angrily responded, “Are you kidding me? Are you kidding me?”
And it gives the TeaPartyers the single uniting electoral message they are searching for. Right now, the TeaParty movement is inchoate, more emotion than focus. As this article points out, “the biggest challenge facing the movement is how to organize hundreds of local groups, and dozens of Tea Party leaders nationwide with divergent interests, into a force that can influence elections.”
The Defund Pledge solves the challenge.
And yet… the 2010 elections are next November and the new Congress, presumably with a Republican majority, won’t take office until the end of January 2011. The amount of damage Zero and the Dems can do until then is monumental - on top of the damage they have already done this year. How can that be prevented and undone? What can be done now?
The answer is the second D: Disobey. Disobey the Ghandi Way. Peaceful civil disobedience. No violence. Just the refusal to obey fascist and unconstitutional laws.
There are only three federal crimes in the Constitution: treason (Article III section 3), piracy, and counterfeiting (Article I, section 8). Yet Congress has passed laws making over 4,000 activities a federal crime now, and federal regulatory agencies have issued tens of thousands of rules and regulations the violation of which constitutes a jailable offense.
Ever hear of the Aquatic Nuisance Prevention and Control Act? Under it, anyone who transports water hyacinths across state lines for “interstate commerce” can be put in jail for six months and fined thousands of dollars.
Suppose a group of TeaPartyers, with press in tow, walked across a state line wearing water hyacinth flowers in their hair, and met another group of TeaPartyers waiting for them who proceeded to buy the flowers for a penny apiece?
The Federal Register contains some 85 thousand pages of rules and regulations, most all of which are unconstitutional. TeaPartyers have a lot to choose from.
Or they could focus on, say, ObamaCare. If it’s passed with the mandate to buy health insurance or pay a $1,000 fine - what if tens of thousands, what if hundreds of thousands of TeaPartyers refused to do either? Perhaps a few might be prosecuted - but there is no way all but a tiny fraction could. There are not enough prosecutors nor judges and it would tie the fed courts up in knots.
And that’s the goal. For so many people to disobey so many rules that it becomes impossible for the rules to be enforced.
Call this The Revolution of Disobedience. A Mass Movement of Conservative Civil Disobedience that empowers every participant who knows he or she is actually doing something specific and concrete to bring down Fedzilla.
The anger among TeaPartyers is growing to such an extent that one hears “lock and load” talk, implying they are ready to physically fight against the federales with guns and violence. If they have the guts to do this, then surely they have the guts to simply disobey fascist laws non-violently and peacefully, to fight in the courts and not the streets. Yet it’s a far safer and more effective way to cripple Leviathan.
Ghandi knew this. He saw where the Brits were vulnerable and went after them with disobedience. After building railroads in India, the Brits couldn’t run the place without them. And they couldn’t run the railroads by themselves, for they required many thousands of Indian railroad workers. So he persuaded the railroad workers to go on sitdown strikes. They did, the Brits shouted and screamed that such strikes were illegal, Ghandi and the workers said “So what?” - and British rule of India was over.
If the EPA conducts a Carbon Jihad, if the Dems enact a Cap & Tax bill penalizing energy production in the US, it would take no more than 50,000 energy workers to go fishing next winter, shutting down refineries, coal plants, pipelines et al, for the entire east coast to freeze in the dark.
What Ghandi knew - what TeaPartyers need to know - is that the key to success of any mass movement is the opponent’s loss of moral legitimacy. The goal, then, of The Revolution of Disobedience is to deligitimize the moral obligation to obey fascist laws.
There is no such obligation - any more than there is a moral obligation not to lie to a mugger holding you up at gunpoint about money hidden on you and not in your wallet. You may have a practical obligation to obey what he says, but no moral duty.
Just like the mugger, Fedzilla may have power and guns - but no moral authority unless its rules and laws are enumerated constitutionally.
So - expect to see at TeaParty demos and meetings signs that declare Just Say No To Fascists - We Won’t Obey Your Fascist Rules - For The Health of America, Break At Least One Fascist Law A Day.
Expect to see public demonstrations of federal rule breaking, initially with mass arrests - and the arrestees all demanding a jury trial. Expect to see courthouse protests with protestors making sure the jury members understand jury nullification (for info on a jury’s right to nullify the law under which a defendant is being prosecuted, see the Fully Informed Jury Association). Expect to see them acquitted with rare exceptions, then the prosecutors and judges give up under the onslaught of mass disobedience.
We don’t need guns, we don’t need violence in any way to rescue America. We just need to say no. No to funding fascism. No to obeying fascism. The Double-D - Defund and Disobey - will save our country.
Monday, December 14, 2009
If you don't know GOD, don't make stupid remarks!!!!!
God is Busy
If you don't know GOD, don't make stupid remarks!!!!!!
A United States Marine was attending some college courses between assignments. He had completed missions in Iraq and Afghanistan . One of the courses had a professor who was an avowed atheist, and a member of the ACLU.
One day the professor shocked the class when he came in. He looked to the ceiling and flatly stated, GOD if you are real then I want you to knock me off this platform. I'll give you exactly 15 min.' The lecture room fell silent. You could hear a pin drop. Ten minutes went by and the professor proclaimed, 'Here I am GOD, I'm still waiting.'
It got down to the last couple of minutes when the Marine got out of his chair, went up to the professor, and cold-cocked him; knocking him off the platform. The professor was out cold. The Marine went back to his seat and sat there, silently.
The other students were shocked and stunned, and sat there looking on in silence. The professor eventually came to noticeably shaken, looked at the Marine and asked, 'What in the world is the matter with you? 'Why did you do that?'
The Marine calmly replied, 'GOD was too busy today protecting America 's soldiers who are protecting your right to say stupid stuff and act like an idiot. So He sent me.'
The classroom erupted in cheers!
If you don't know GOD, don't make stupid remarks!!!!!!
A United States Marine was attending some college courses between assignments. He had completed missions in Iraq and Afghanistan . One of the courses had a professor who was an avowed atheist, and a member of the ACLU.
One day the professor shocked the class when he came in. He looked to the ceiling and flatly stated, GOD if you are real then I want you to knock me off this platform. I'll give you exactly 15 min.' The lecture room fell silent. You could hear a pin drop. Ten minutes went by and the professor proclaimed, 'Here I am GOD, I'm still waiting.'
It got down to the last couple of minutes when the Marine got out of his chair, went up to the professor, and cold-cocked him; knocking him off the platform. The professor was out cold. The Marine went back to his seat and sat there, silently.
The other students were shocked and stunned, and sat there looking on in silence. The professor eventually came to noticeably shaken, looked at the Marine and asked, 'What in the world is the matter with you? 'Why did you do that?'
The Marine calmly replied, 'GOD was too busy today protecting America 's soldiers who are protecting your right to say stupid stuff and act like an idiot. So He sent me.'
The classroom erupted in cheers!
Sunday, December 13, 2009
EDITORIAL: Socialism by any other name... - Washington Times
Democrats try to put lipstick on government health care pig
Time is ticking for Democrats to claim some kind of victory on health care legislation, as polls show a public increasingly disillusioned with what is being passed off as "reform." So now Democrats are trying to rename the public option in the hope no one will notice.
In fact, their new "compromise" is, if anything, a compromise with the furthest-left Democrats who wanted the even more unpopular single-payer system. No longer will we hear the words "public option" or "government option" coming from Senate Democrats. The latest terminology is "Medicare buy-in."
The proposal, created by moderate and liberal Democrats who cannot agree on what to call a public option, would allow Americans between the ages of 55 and 64 to enroll in the seniors program. The trickily named Medicare proposal gives cover to those moderate Democrats, who can claim they did not vote for a public option and only voted to expand Medicare to others.
The problem is, Medicare is collapsing, and adding more costs won't help matters. The Congressional Budget Office has projected that Medicare will be bankrupt in 2017, when it will cost more than $700 billion - and that's a timid prediction. It already costs $400 billion a year. The Medicare trustees say the program has $38 trillion in unfunded liabilities.
Seniors already have trouble finding doctors who will accept the government insurance. Federal cost-cutting has slashed payments to doctors so much that they lose money every time they see a Medicare patient. Those costs get shifted to other patients with private insurance. Adding 34 million to 36 million new Americans into the system will only make doctors more scarce for those already in the program and increase the burden that gets dumped onto private plans.
It is not a surprise that prominent health care groups already are decrying this proposal. The Mayo Clinic's Jeffrey O. Korsmo issued a statement saying, "Expanding the Medicare system to persons 55-64 years old would ultimately hurt patients by accelerating the financial ruin of hospitals and doctors across the country." Remember, Democrats cite the Mayo Clinic as a model for the nation.
What's truly daunting is that activists don't even try to hide their attempted government takeover of the health care system. In response to the proposal to expand Medicare, an elated Rep. Anthony Weiner, New York Democrat, said: "Expanding Medicare is an unvarnished, complete victory for people like me. It's the mother of all public options. We've taken something people know and expanded it. ... Never mind the camel's nose, we've got his head and neck under the tent."
Sen. Pat Roberts, Kansas Republican, argues that this so-called compromise will "transform patients from sources of revenue over which providers compete to attract and serve ... into sources of cost for the government to avoid and shunt off and treat as cheaply as possible." Actually, Mr. Roberts doesn't go far enough. At least patients who get treated like costs will still be treated by doctors. Who knows how many Americans under the program won't be able to find doctors at all.
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Copyright 2009 The Washington Times, LLC
Time is ticking for Democrats to claim some kind of victory on health care legislation, as polls show a public increasingly disillusioned with what is being passed off as "reform." So now Democrats are trying to rename the public option in the hope no one will notice.
In fact, their new "compromise" is, if anything, a compromise with the furthest-left Democrats who wanted the even more unpopular single-payer system. No longer will we hear the words "public option" or "government option" coming from Senate Democrats. The latest terminology is "Medicare buy-in."
The proposal, created by moderate and liberal Democrats who cannot agree on what to call a public option, would allow Americans between the ages of 55 and 64 to enroll in the seniors program. The trickily named Medicare proposal gives cover to those moderate Democrats, who can claim they did not vote for a public option and only voted to expand Medicare to others.
The problem is, Medicare is collapsing, and adding more costs won't help matters. The Congressional Budget Office has projected that Medicare will be bankrupt in 2017, when it will cost more than $700 billion - and that's a timid prediction. It already costs $400 billion a year. The Medicare trustees say the program has $38 trillion in unfunded liabilities.
Seniors already have trouble finding doctors who will accept the government insurance. Federal cost-cutting has slashed payments to doctors so much that they lose money every time they see a Medicare patient. Those costs get shifted to other patients with private insurance. Adding 34 million to 36 million new Americans into the system will only make doctors more scarce for those already in the program and increase the burden that gets dumped onto private plans.
It is not a surprise that prominent health care groups already are decrying this proposal. The Mayo Clinic's Jeffrey O. Korsmo issued a statement saying, "Expanding the Medicare system to persons 55-64 years old would ultimately hurt patients by accelerating the financial ruin of hospitals and doctors across the country." Remember, Democrats cite the Mayo Clinic as a model for the nation.
What's truly daunting is that activists don't even try to hide their attempted government takeover of the health care system. In response to the proposal to expand Medicare, an elated Rep. Anthony Weiner, New York Democrat, said: "Expanding Medicare is an unvarnished, complete victory for people like me. It's the mother of all public options. We've taken something people know and expanded it. ... Never mind the camel's nose, we've got his head and neck under the tent."
Sen. Pat Roberts, Kansas Republican, argues that this so-called compromise will "transform patients from sources of revenue over which providers compete to attract and serve ... into sources of cost for the government to avoid and shunt off and treat as cheaply as possible." Actually, Mr. Roberts doesn't go far enough. At least patients who get treated like costs will still be treated by doctors. Who knows how many Americans under the program won't be able to find doctors at all.
Click here for reprint permissions!
Copyright 2009 The Washington Times, LLC
Friday, December 11, 2009
Al Gore Refuses to Discuss 'Climate Crisis' with John Stossel |
Al Gore Refuses to Discuss 'Climate Crisis' with John Stossel
By Noel Sheppard (Bio | Archive)
December 11, 2009 - 13:05 ET
Despite appearing on CNN and MSNBC Wednesday, Nobel Laureate Al Gore was apparently too busy to discuss global warming on the premiere episode of John Stossel's new Fox Business Network program.
To kick off his new show Thursday, Stossel chose the controversial subject of climate change, and invited on a number of guests to address the issue in great detail.
According to an e-mail message sent to Stossel's producers on November 23, "the growing influence of the climate crisis message and the demand on Mr. Gore's time" made it impossible for the former Vice President to attend.
Of course, Gore's busy schedule didn't prevent him from being interviewed by CNN and MSNBC on Wednesday, nor did it stop him from appearing on NBC's "Saturday Night Live" just two days before he declined Stossel's invitation.
For the rest of the story --------
By Noel Sheppard (Bio | Archive)
December 11, 2009 - 13:05 ET
Despite appearing on CNN and MSNBC Wednesday, Nobel Laureate Al Gore was apparently too busy to discuss global warming on the premiere episode of John Stossel's new Fox Business Network program.
To kick off his new show Thursday, Stossel chose the controversial subject of climate change, and invited on a number of guests to address the issue in great detail.
According to an e-mail message sent to Stossel's producers on November 23, "the growing influence of the climate crisis message and the demand on Mr. Gore's time" made it impossible for the former Vice President to attend.
Of course, Gore's busy schedule didn't prevent him from being interviewed by CNN and MSNBC on Wednesday, nor did it stop him from appearing on NBC's "Saturday Night Live" just two days before he declined Stossel's invitation.
For the rest of the story --------
Scientist Uses UN Security To Stop Questions About ClimateGate |
Scientist Uses UN Security To Stop Questions About ClimateGate |
Scientist Uses UN Security To Stop Questions About ClimateGate
By Noel Sheppard (Bio | Archive)
December 11, 2009 - 16:37 ET
A Stanford professor with ties to Nobel Laureate Al Gore and the growing ClimateGate scandal used United Nations security officials at the climate conference in Copenhagen to halt questions about e-mail messages obtained from Britain's Climatic Research Unit.
Dr. Stephen Schneider was speaking at the Bella Centre Thursday when Irish journalist Phelim McAleer began asking about ClimateGate.
McAleer is known for his documentary "Not Evil, Just Wrong," which challenged the content of Al Gore's "An Inconvenient Truth," as well as for confronting the former Vice President during a lecture in October only to have his microphone turned off.
According to a video just posted at Big Government, UN security officials stepped in when McAleer tried to ask the Professor inconvenient questions.
Professor Stephen Schneider's assistant requested armed UN security officers who held film maker Phelim McAleer, ordered him to stop filming and prevented further questioning after the press conference where the Stanford academic was launching a book. [...]
He asked Professor Schneider about his opinions on Climategate - where leaked emails have revealed that a senior British professor deleted data and encouraged colleagues to do likewise if it contradicted their belief in Global Warming. [...]
During some testy exchanges with McAleer, UN officials and Professor Schneider's assistants twice tried to cut short McAleer's question.
However as the press conference drew to a close Professor Schneider's assistant called armed UN security guards to the room. They held McAleer and aggressively ordered cameraman Ian Foster to stop filming. The guard threatened to take away the camera and expel the film crew from the conference if they did not obey his instructions to stop filming Professor Schneider. [...]
Two officers corralled the film crew and one officer can be seen on tape threatening the cameraman. The Guard can also be heard warning that if the crew did not stop filming their would seize the equipment and the journalists expelled from the conference.
Scientist Uses UN Security To Stop Questions About ClimateGate
By Noel Sheppard (Bio | Archive)
December 11, 2009 - 16:37 ET
A Stanford professor with ties to Nobel Laureate Al Gore and the growing ClimateGate scandal used United Nations security officials at the climate conference in Copenhagen to halt questions about e-mail messages obtained from Britain's Climatic Research Unit.
Dr. Stephen Schneider was speaking at the Bella Centre Thursday when Irish journalist Phelim McAleer began asking about ClimateGate.
McAleer is known for his documentary "Not Evil, Just Wrong," which challenged the content of Al Gore's "An Inconvenient Truth," as well as for confronting the former Vice President during a lecture in October only to have his microphone turned off.
According to a video just posted at Big Government, UN security officials stepped in when McAleer tried to ask the Professor inconvenient questions.
Professor Stephen Schneider's assistant requested armed UN security officers who held film maker Phelim McAleer, ordered him to stop filming and prevented further questioning after the press conference where the Stanford academic was launching a book. [...]
He asked Professor Schneider about his opinions on Climategate - where leaked emails have revealed that a senior British professor deleted data and encouraged colleagues to do likewise if it contradicted their belief in Global Warming. [...]
During some testy exchanges with McAleer, UN officials and Professor Schneider's assistants twice tried to cut short McAleer's question.
However as the press conference drew to a close Professor Schneider's assistant called armed UN security guards to the room. They held McAleer and aggressively ordered cameraman Ian Foster to stop filming. The guard threatened to take away the camera and expel the film crew from the conference if they did not obey his instructions to stop filming Professor Schneider. [...]
Two officers corralled the film crew and one officer can be seen on tape threatening the cameraman. The Guard can also be heard warning that if the crew did not stop filming their would seize the equipment and the journalists expelled from the conference.
Monday, December 7, 2009
Chicago nursing homes: Slaying of nursing-home resident in nearby motel shows how violence can spill into neighborhoods --
Copenhagen climate summit: 1,200 limos, 140 private planes and caviar wedges
Copenhagen climate summit: 1,200 limos, 140 private planes and caviar wedges
Copenhagen is preparing for the climate change summit that will produce as much carbon dioxide as a town the size of Middlesbrough.
By Andrew Gilligan
Published: 10:55PM GMT 05 Dec 2009
Comments 213 | Comment on this article
On a normal day, Majken Friss Jorgensen, managing director of Copenhagen's biggest limousine company, says her firm has twelve vehicles on the road. During the "summit to save the world", which opens here tomorrow, she will have 200.
"We thought they were not going to have many cars, due to it being a climate convention," she says. "But it seems that somebody last week looked at the weather report."
Ms Jorgensen reckons that between her and her rivals the total number of limos in Copenhagen next week has already broken the 1,200 barrier. The French alone rang up on Thursday and ordered another 42. "We haven't got enough limos in the country to fulfil the demand," she says. "We're having to drive them in hundreds of miles from Germany and Sweden."
And the total number of electric cars or hybrids among that number? "Five," says Ms Jorgensen. "The government has some alternative fuel cars but the rest will be petrol or diesel. We don't have any hybrids in Denmark, unfortunately, due to the extreme taxes on those cars. It makes no sense at all, but it's very Danish."
The airport says it is expecting up to 140 extra private jets during the peak period alone, so far over its capacity that the planes will have to fly off to regional airports – or to Sweden – to park, returning to Copenhagen to pick up their VIP passengers.
As well 15,000 delegates and officials, 5,000 journalists and 98 world leaders, the Danish capital will be blessed by the presence of Leonardo DiCaprio, Daryl Hannah, Helena Christensen, Archbishop Desmond Tutu and Prince Charles. A Republican US senator, Jim Inhofe, is jetting in at the head of an anti-climate-change "Truth Squad." The top hotels – all fully booked at £650 a night – are readying their Climate Convention menus of (no doubt sustainable) scallops, foie gras and sculpted caviar wedges.
At the takeaway pizza end of the spectrum, Copenhagen's clean pavements are starting to fill with slightly less well-scrubbed protesters from all over Europe. In the city's famous anarchist commune of Christiania this morning, among the hash dealers and heavily-graffitied walls, they started their two-week "Climate Bottom Meeting," complete with a "storytelling yurt" and a "funeral of the day" for various corrupt, "heatist" concepts such as "economic growth".
The Danish government is cunningly spending a million kroner (£120,000) to give the protesters KlimaForum, a "parallel conference" in the magnificent DGI-byen sports centre. The hope, officials admit, is that they will work off their youthful energies on the climbing wall, state-of-the-art swimming pools and bowling alley, Just in case, however, Denmark has taken delivery of its first-ever water-cannon – one of the newspapers is running a competition to suggest names for it – plus sweeping new police powers. The authorities have been proudly showing us their new temporary prison, 360 cages in a disused brewery, housing 4,000 detainees.
And this being Scandinavia, even the prostitutes are doing their bit for the planet. Outraged by a council postcard urging delegates to "be sustainable, don't buy sex," the local sex workers' union – they have unions here – has announced that all its 1,400 members will give free intercourse to anyone with a climate conference delegate's pass. The term "carbon dating" just took on an entirely new meaning.
At least the sex will be C02-neutral. According to the organisers, the eleven-day conference, including the participants' travel, will create a total of 41,000 tonnes of "carbon dioxide equivalent", equal to the amount produced over the same period by a city the size of Middlesbrough.
The temptation, then, is to dismiss the whole thing as a ridiculous circus. Many of the participants do not really need to be here. And far from "saving the world," the world's leaders have already agreed that this conference will not produce any kind of binding deal, merely an interim statement of intent.
Instead of swift and modest reductions in carbon – say, two per cent a year, starting next year – for which they could possibly be held accountable, the politicians will bandy around grandiose targets of 80-per-cent-plus by 2050, by which time few of the leaders at Copenhagen will even be alive, let alone still in office.
Even if they had agreed anything binding, past experience suggests that the participants would not, in fact, feel bound by it. Most countries – Britain excepted – are on course to break the modest pledges they made at the last major climate summit, in Kyoto.
And as the delegates meet, they do so under a shadow. For the first time, not just the methods but the entire purpose of the climate change agenda is being questioned. Leaked emails showing key scientists conspiring to fix data that undermined their case have boosted the sceptic lobby. Australia has voted down climate change laws. Last week's unusually strident attack by the Energy Secretary, Ed Miliband, on climate change "saboteurs" reflected real fear in government that momentum is slipping away from the cause.
In Copenhagen there was a humbler note among some delegates. "If we fail, one reason could be our overconfidence," said Simron Jit Singh, of the Institute of Social Ecology. "Because we are here, talking in a group of people who probably agree with each other, we can be blinded to the challenges of the other side. We feel that we are the good guys, the selfless saviours, and they are the bad guys."
As Mr Singh suggests, the interesting question is perhaps not whether the climate changers have got the science right – they probably have – but whether they have got the pitch right. Some campaigners' apocalyptic predictions and religious righteousness – funeral ceremonies for economic growth and the like – can be alienating, and may help explain why the wider public does not seem to share the urgency felt by those in Copenhagen this week.
In a rather perceptive recent comment, Mr Miliband said it was vital to give people a positive vision of a low-carbon future. "If Martin Luther King had come along and said 'I have a nightmare,' people would not have followed him," he said.
Over the next two weeks, that positive vision may come not from the overheated rhetoric in the conference centre, but from Copenhagen itself. Limos apart, it is a city filled entirely with bicycles, stuffed with retrofitted, energy-efficient old buildings, and seems to embody the civilised pleasures of low-carbon living without any of the puritanism so beloved of British greens.
And inside the hall, not everything is looking bad. Even the sudden rush for limos may be a good sign. It means that more top people are coming, which means they scent something could be going right here.
The US, which rejected Kyoto, is on board now, albeit too tentatively for most delegates. President Obama's decision to stay later in Copenhagen may signal some sort of agreement between America and China: a necessity for any real global action, and something that could be presented as a "victory" for the talks.
The hot air this week will be massive, the whole proceedings eminently mockable, but it would be far too early to write off this conference as a failure.
Copenhagen is preparing for the climate change summit that will produce as much carbon dioxide as a town the size of Middlesbrough.
By Andrew Gilligan
Published: 10:55PM GMT 05 Dec 2009
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On a normal day, Majken Friss Jorgensen, managing director of Copenhagen's biggest limousine company, says her firm has twelve vehicles on the road. During the "summit to save the world", which opens here tomorrow, she will have 200.
"We thought they were not going to have many cars, due to it being a climate convention," she says. "But it seems that somebody last week looked at the weather report."
Ms Jorgensen reckons that between her and her rivals the total number of limos in Copenhagen next week has already broken the 1,200 barrier. The French alone rang up on Thursday and ordered another 42. "We haven't got enough limos in the country to fulfil the demand," she says. "We're having to drive them in hundreds of miles from Germany and Sweden."
And the total number of electric cars or hybrids among that number? "Five," says Ms Jorgensen. "The government has some alternative fuel cars but the rest will be petrol or diesel. We don't have any hybrids in Denmark, unfortunately, due to the extreme taxes on those cars. It makes no sense at all, but it's very Danish."
The airport says it is expecting up to 140 extra private jets during the peak period alone, so far over its capacity that the planes will have to fly off to regional airports – or to Sweden – to park, returning to Copenhagen to pick up their VIP passengers.
As well 15,000 delegates and officials, 5,000 journalists and 98 world leaders, the Danish capital will be blessed by the presence of Leonardo DiCaprio, Daryl Hannah, Helena Christensen, Archbishop Desmond Tutu and Prince Charles. A Republican US senator, Jim Inhofe, is jetting in at the head of an anti-climate-change "Truth Squad." The top hotels – all fully booked at £650 a night – are readying their Climate Convention menus of (no doubt sustainable) scallops, foie gras and sculpted caviar wedges.
At the takeaway pizza end of the spectrum, Copenhagen's clean pavements are starting to fill with slightly less well-scrubbed protesters from all over Europe. In the city's famous anarchist commune of Christiania this morning, among the hash dealers and heavily-graffitied walls, they started their two-week "Climate Bottom Meeting," complete with a "storytelling yurt" and a "funeral of the day" for various corrupt, "heatist" concepts such as "economic growth".
The Danish government is cunningly spending a million kroner (£120,000) to give the protesters KlimaForum, a "parallel conference" in the magnificent DGI-byen sports centre. The hope, officials admit, is that they will work off their youthful energies on the climbing wall, state-of-the-art swimming pools and bowling alley, Just in case, however, Denmark has taken delivery of its first-ever water-cannon – one of the newspapers is running a competition to suggest names for it – plus sweeping new police powers. The authorities have been proudly showing us their new temporary prison, 360 cages in a disused brewery, housing 4,000 detainees.
And this being Scandinavia, even the prostitutes are doing their bit for the planet. Outraged by a council postcard urging delegates to "be sustainable, don't buy sex," the local sex workers' union – they have unions here – has announced that all its 1,400 members will give free intercourse to anyone with a climate conference delegate's pass. The term "carbon dating" just took on an entirely new meaning.
At least the sex will be C02-neutral. According to the organisers, the eleven-day conference, including the participants' travel, will create a total of 41,000 tonnes of "carbon dioxide equivalent", equal to the amount produced over the same period by a city the size of Middlesbrough.
The temptation, then, is to dismiss the whole thing as a ridiculous circus. Many of the participants do not really need to be here. And far from "saving the world," the world's leaders have already agreed that this conference will not produce any kind of binding deal, merely an interim statement of intent.
Instead of swift and modest reductions in carbon – say, two per cent a year, starting next year – for which they could possibly be held accountable, the politicians will bandy around grandiose targets of 80-per-cent-plus by 2050, by which time few of the leaders at Copenhagen will even be alive, let alone still in office.
Even if they had agreed anything binding, past experience suggests that the participants would not, in fact, feel bound by it. Most countries – Britain excepted – are on course to break the modest pledges they made at the last major climate summit, in Kyoto.
And as the delegates meet, they do so under a shadow. For the first time, not just the methods but the entire purpose of the climate change agenda is being questioned. Leaked emails showing key scientists conspiring to fix data that undermined their case have boosted the sceptic lobby. Australia has voted down climate change laws. Last week's unusually strident attack by the Energy Secretary, Ed Miliband, on climate change "saboteurs" reflected real fear in government that momentum is slipping away from the cause.
In Copenhagen there was a humbler note among some delegates. "If we fail, one reason could be our overconfidence," said Simron Jit Singh, of the Institute of Social Ecology. "Because we are here, talking in a group of people who probably agree with each other, we can be blinded to the challenges of the other side. We feel that we are the good guys, the selfless saviours, and they are the bad guys."
As Mr Singh suggests, the interesting question is perhaps not whether the climate changers have got the science right – they probably have – but whether they have got the pitch right. Some campaigners' apocalyptic predictions and religious righteousness – funeral ceremonies for economic growth and the like – can be alienating, and may help explain why the wider public does not seem to share the urgency felt by those in Copenhagen this week.
In a rather perceptive recent comment, Mr Miliband said it was vital to give people a positive vision of a low-carbon future. "If Martin Luther King had come along and said 'I have a nightmare,' people would not have followed him," he said.
Over the next two weeks, that positive vision may come not from the overheated rhetoric in the conference centre, but from Copenhagen itself. Limos apart, it is a city filled entirely with bicycles, stuffed with retrofitted, energy-efficient old buildings, and seems to embody the civilised pleasures of low-carbon living without any of the puritanism so beloved of British greens.
And inside the hall, not everything is looking bad. Even the sudden rush for limos may be a good sign. It means that more top people are coming, which means they scent something could be going right here.
The US, which rejected Kyoto, is on board now, albeit too tentatively for most delegates. President Obama's decision to stay later in Copenhagen may signal some sort of agreement between America and China: a necessity for any real global action, and something that could be presented as a "victory" for the talks.
The hot air this week will be massive, the whole proceedings eminently mockable, but it would be far too early to write off this conference as a failure.
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Watchdog Jenkins on Corrupt Illinois House Speaker Mike Madigan.wmv
"Watchdog" Jenkins on the Tony Peraica Show, tackles corruption in the Illinois House: specifically House Speaker Mike Madigan and the special interests (public unions)
Friday, December 4, 2009
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