Saturday, September 25, 2010

Friday, September 17, 2010

Obama cousin at Tea Party rally rips Obama, health plan: CHICAGO SUN-TIMES

Dr. Milton Wolf, an Obama cousin at Tea Party rally rips Obama, health plan ::
CHICAGO SUN-TIMES :: Metro & Tri-State

September 17, 2010

President Obama, stimulus packages and national health care came under criticism Thursday night at a Tea Party rally in St. Charles.

Dr. Milton Wolf, an Obama cousin, told the crowd of 300 at the Pheasant Run Resort that the national health-care plan needed to be repealed.

"Now, many say it can't be repealed. If you believe we cannot repeal Obamacare, I have just one message for you -- yes, we can," said Wolf at the event, which is part of the November Is Coming bus tour.

Wolf also quipped that he is "the leader of the conservative wing of the first family. It's been said I should be the next president, and it's been said I have a psychiatric disorder, and both were within my own family."

The Americans for Prosperity and the Kane County 912 Tea Party infused the crowd with their crusade for fewer taxes, smaller government, more freedom and even a sense of history.

The stimulus package also was criticized.

"This is a time in history when we can make a change, the right kind of change, if we stay engaged," said Joe Calomino, head of the Illinois chapter of Americans for Prosperity.

Also joining the program were Amy Jacobson, co-host of WIND radio's "Big John and Amy" show and a former television reporter, and former "American Idol" contestant Krista Branch, who sang "I Am America," a popular YouTube video and the signature song from her album of the same name.

But those on the program stressed that the evening was not about officials or personalities -- only two local politicians showed up, state Rep. John Millner and state Sen. Randy Hultgren, who is running for Congress from the 13th District -- but about what the man in the street can do to pursue conservative ideals.

Wolf said people need to donate to candidates, knock on doors, talk to neighbors and make phone calls.

"In 2010, voting is not enough," Wolf said. "You need to step out of your comfort zone and find a way to get involved."

Sun-Times Media

Sunday, September 12, 2010

American Thinker Blog: Muslim children 'bear the burden of 9/11'

American Thinker Blog: Muslim children 'bear the burden of 9/11'

September 12, 2010

Muslim children 'bear the burden of 9/11'

Ethel C. Fenig
Who bears one of the biggest burdens from the attacks of 9/11? If you were to answer the families of the victims of that horrible day just nine years ago, you would be wrong according to the politically correct,weepy report in the Chicago Tribune by Manya Brachear which turns the followers of the religion that inspired the attacks into victims.

Muslim teens grow up in shadow of terrorist attacks
Children bear burden of day Americans will never forget
The old fashioned paper article carries it even further with an additional headline
"Muslim children bear burden of 9/11."

Now certainly the carefully selected, wholesome model American Muslim teens depicted in this article, who were children on that day, didn't take part in the attacks. And as children they must have been confused when they received strange looks or heard some mild negative comments such as "terrorist" directed at them and their families. And that's the only "burden" they suffered. But they're teenagers now, older. They still don't seem to question certain aspects of their religion or culture--indeed some are rather defiantly proud of it--and indeed, the article portrays them as victims--"burdened," - not by the evil of their co religionists who acted in the name of their mutual religion but by others understandably wary of them.

No mention anywhere in today's Chicago Tribune are the children left parentless by 9/11. How are they faring? Perhaps because it wouldn't be politically correct, the Tribune ignores them. But these children as well as all the survivors of those slaughtered are the ones who "bear a burden" that will endure for all their lives.

By ignoring them and focusing on a marginal human interest story Ms. Brachear created a twisted moral equivalence; inflating some minor distractions into major problems to create victims where there were none while ignoring the true suffering victims of the survivors.

Manipulating public feelings in this way worked in the bad old days when the MSM were the gatekeepers of the news. Now it merely exposes their biases and failings.