Saturday, May 8, 2010

Christian Conservative verse a Christian and Non-Christian Liberal

This is a short statement on my belief of the difference between conservatives and liberal, with a short take on the failure of the church in America,

The Christian Conservative reacts to his family, friends, neighbors, community and the world in a responsible way. The Christian and Non-Christian Liberal respond to his family, friends, neighbors, community and the world in a way that sponsors and supports the sinful nature of man.

When the Christian Conservative fails or falls short he goes to God asks for forgiveness, repents and seeks guidance and support to correct his way. When the Christian Liberal sees the failures he often goes to God and asks for forgiveness of others (may include him/herself) and asks for their eyes of others (may include him/herself) to be open to helping their neighbors and the world. The Non-Christian Liberal will just blame the Conservatives and take no responsibility for the falling world.

Note: The Non-Christian Liberal will blame the Conservative regardless of the logic behind the mechanics of what is causing the failures.

The biggest issue I have in the Liberal is their total hypocrisy. This is the same feeling I had toward he Christian for years, until I realized Christianity is about a personal relationship with Christ and accepting personal responsibility for my own actions. The hypocrisy that I see in the Liberal today is expanding at a great rate. The Liberals with money, vast fortunes, making millions a year and living the high life to the utmost in housing, travel, wardrobe and entertainment are the same ones that preach everyone, everyone else, needs to sacrifice more for the world. And the whole time they want the sacrifices to go toward sponsoring and supporting the sinful nature of the world. As the sinful nature of the world increases and crisis increase in direct proportion they see no correlation and blame the conservatives for the lack of support.

It appears to me that the Liberal mind usually takes it stance in order to justify the sinful nature in his/her own life. The greedy blaming others for no money to support the needy, the sexual immoral to sacrifice babies for their understanding of the pull of lust. Those who past by the poor on the street and blame others, the government’ for not providing for them.

I also blame the church in America, even though it has shown improvements lately in this area. I blame the churches for allowing their responsibility to the community and the world to be overtaken by a poor operating system called government. The church should hold it ground in the separation of church and government. The church should have never allowed the government to intervene and/or take over their responsibility to the world. The church should be the one feeding the hungry, visiting those in prison, helping those in need - unwanted pregnancies, those trying to escape a sexual lifestyle, those trying to shake sinful habits. And the church should never let the government forget that without prayer and guidance from God that government, as all in the past have proven, do not stand a chance.

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