You know, I am so glad that we have a President Obama, a president with enough backbone to make the world safe from evil… uh… guitars. Yes, that’s right, President Obama has sent his envirostormtroopers on a nation-wide hunt for evil guitars whether they are 100-year-old pickers or strummers still in the earliest stages of manufacture. That’s right, Obama is on a campaign to abort guitars in the womb!
He’s sooooo brave.
The latest in Obama’s anti-musical crusade is occurring in Memphis, Tennessee at the Gibson guitar plant where Obama’s stormtroopers have knocked down doors and quashed production of new guitars because… well, because there is wood in them. Illegal wood, at that.
The federal government hasn’t really said exactly why they are harassing Gibson Guitars (again, as they’ve done this before) but the presumption is that the feds think Gibson is using wood from outlawed sources like ebony wood from Madagascar. The evidence is that the feds did confiscate various bits of wood from the Gibson plant. For its part, Gibson says it has proof that all its wood is made from a, “Forest Stewardship Council certified supplier.”
But this campaign isn’t just making Gibson “fret,” if you will. The feds are also hinting that all guitars with now outlawedwoods are apt for confiscation by the federal government. Yes, even guitars that were made decades ago, even antiques or older pieces that have been played by musicians for decades can be scooped up by the thugs in government.
Only an out of control government would make musicians afraid that their antique instruments would be confiscated by jackbooted members of Big Brother Obama’s stormtroopers! This is patently absurd.
I have no problem with making rules to protect truly endangered resources, provided that they really are endangered. I’ll not speculate about the ebony wood as I haven’t a clue of its status. But to confiscate things made of this wood that are already done and made decades ago? It is idiotic. Stupid. Simply an exercise in Obama’s authoritarianism.
Further more, confiscating antiques to satisfy a modern need to husband resources is not even logical. First off all, many of these instruments (or anything made from this wood or other protected raw materials) were made in the days when this resource was not endangered at all. So, confiscating and destroying antiques is a meaningless gesture.
Secondly, once something is made of the wood, it is too late to save the raw material! Duh!
If this wood is truly endangered and your nation wants to prevent new manufacturing using this material, then, sure, do that. Stop the importation, stop the use. It’s fine. But leave antiques alone you dolts. You are doing nothing for the trees, nothing for environmentalism, nothing useful to attack antiques.
All this is, is one more way for Herr Obama to use his power to intimidate the people with his police agencies. This manis an authoritarian nightmare and his extremist actions really do prove that we need to be gutting government power, not making it grow.
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