This is one of those crazy stories that is so bizarre it must be true! The Pentagon apparently has ordered Marines to stop farting in Afghanistan! Yes, you read-heard it right. According to the Marine Corps Times, which was picked up by theblog, Battle Rattle, it would seem that Afghan soldiers working in close proximity with our beloved Marines do not appreciate our troops farting near them. So, the Pentagon is banning any and all audible farts by Marines when Afghan soldiers are downwind. This cultural divide offends the Afghans. Obviously they have never watched ′Blazing Saddles′ or a ′South Park′ episode featuring the Canadian team of Terence and Phillip.
We all know that some cultures have there own peculiarities. Many consider belching after a hardy meal as a sign of approval and appreciation. Some even consider farting after a good meal a positive act for the same reason. Among American males, especially younger ones, a nice loud fart is something to be proud of. After all, we all know that it is the silent ones that really stink. A good loud fart is generally not a bad thing. But I suppose we are guests in Afghanistan and we should respect their customs.
If this story doesn′t raise a stink, perhaps the one at Texas GOP Vote on Obama′s so-called ′listening tour′ will have you cooking on gas? At Outside The Beltway, they have an interesting piece about how the Obama administration is putting pressure on NY State prosecutors to drop mortgage fraud investigations. According to the Conservative Feminist, Obama′s vacation on Martha′s Vineyards has led to a surge in sales of George W. Bush ′Miss Me Yet?′ T-shirts. Red State has a legislative scorecard by the Heritage Foundation rating the Tea Party Congress thus far.
Over at The Pirate′s Cove, they analyze Mitt Romney′s latest revision on his views about man-made climate change. AtSister Toldjah they look at how Greece intends to ban Islamic, Sharia Law. Speaking of religion, Michelle Malkin looks at how the New York Times wants to ask GOP candidates toughre questions about their faith. Finally, at Althouse we have a wrap up of how there will be no criminal charges against Wisconsin Supreme Court Justice David Prosser over allegations that he put a choke hold on Justice Anne Walsh Bradley.
Glad they cleared the air on that one! Now we have a story about the Pentagon trying to clear the air in Afghanistan as it orders Marines to stop farting near Afghan soldiers. I′m sorry, but if it comes down to facing a fart or a bullet or an I.E.D., I′d take a stinky fart any day of the week. Being out in the field, ten thousand miles from home and loved ones, eating those crummy MREs is enough to make anybody lose some control over their bodily functions. While I agree that we should respect their culture foibles, I just do not see how anybody, even Chesty Puller himself, could possibly prevent a Marine from farting just because some Afghan soldiers are nearby. I think we should send our troops plenty of whoopee cushions and let the Afghan soldiers learn the great fun they are missing out on.
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