Monday, August 31, 2009
Sunday, August 30, 2009
Candidacy for Presidency: Ronald Reagans announcement of Candidacy for President of U.S. 11/13/79
He saw the future. And as strange as it is he sounds as if he is addressing today, 30 years later.
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
Thursday, August 20, 2009
Guess who screened White House appointments! Answers the Socialist ties to Obama
Obama belonged to socialist party
In a controversy never fully addressed by Obama, WND previously reported evidence showing Obama was a member of the New Party, which sought to elect members to public office with the aim of moving the Democratic Party far leftward to ultimately form a new political party with a socialist agenda.
Excerpt from New Party publication (Courtesy New Zeal blog) |
While running for the Illinois state Senate in 1996 as a Democrat, Obama actively sought and received the endorsement of the New Party, according to confirmed reports during last year's presidential campaign.
The New Party, formed by members of the Democratic Socialists of America and leaders of an offshoot of the Community Party USA, was an electoral alliance that worked alongside the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now, or ACORN. The New Party's aim was to help elect politicians to office who espouse its policies.
Among New Party members was linguist and radical activist Noam Chomsky.
Obama's campaign last year denied the then-presidential candidate was ever an actual member of the New Party.
But the New Zeal blog dug up print copies of the New Party News, the party's official newspaper, which show Obama posing with New Party leaders, listing him as a New Party member and printing quotes from him as a member.
Barack Obama pictured in New Party publication (Courtesy New Zeal blog) |
The party's spring 1996 newspaper boasted: "New Party members won three other primaries this Spring in Chicago: Barack Obama (State Senate), Michael Chandler (Democratic Party Committee) and Patricia Martin (Cook County Judiciary). The paper quoted Obama saying "these victories prove that small 'd' democracy canwork."
The newspaper lists other politicians it endorsed who were not members but specifies Obama as a New Party member.
New Ground, the newsletter of Chicago's Democratic Socialists of America, reported in its July/August 1996 edition that Obama attended a New Party membership meeting April 11, 1996, in which he expressed his gratitude for the group's support and "encouraged NPers (New Party members) to join in his task forces on Voter Education and Voter Registration."
Becoming a New Party member requires some effort by the politician. Candidates must be approved by the party's political committee and, once approved, must sign a contract mandating they will have a "visible and active relationship" with the party.
The New Party, established in 1992, took advantage of what was known as electoral "fusion," which enabled candidates to run on two tickets simultaneously, attracting voters from both parties. But the New Party went defunct in 1998, one year after fusion was halted by the Supreme Court.
Following the initial reports of Obama's purported membership in the New Party, Obama associate and former Chicago New Party activist Carl Davidson posted a statement on several blogs claiming his former party was not socialist, but he admitted it worked with ACORN.
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Monday, August 17, 2009
State of Corruption - Chicago Tribunes Agenda. This is worth the time to read. Click on paragraph title for more.
A Tribune agenda
April 5, 2009
1. Unravel government secrecy
Today the Tribune offers the first of a series of recommendations to clean up the corruption and secrecy that has become pervasive in Illinois government and politics.
April 8, 2009
2. Expand anti-corruption powers
If you're a local prosecutor and want to go after gangs or drug dealers, state law gives you an arsenal of powerful weapons. One of the most potent: the ability to eavesdrop on conversations by tapping a telephone.
April 12, 2009
3. Regulate campaign finance
When advocates of clean government talk about how to clean up the pervasive corruption in Illinois, they start with the state's campaign finance laws—or the lack of them. Illinois has few rules on how political campaigns are funded, making it what critics call "the Wild West of campaign...
April 15, 2009
4. Reform the pension system
Please rise and face south-southwest toward the Downstate town of Carlyle. Raise your right hand—thumb properly tucked—and salute former Democratic state Rep. Kurt Granberg for his career as acting director of the Illinois Department of Natural Resources. Your solemnity honors Granberg's...
April 19, 2009
5. Give citizens the power to recall
Yes, this is far too outlandish for real life, but work with us for a moment:
April 26, 2009
6. Encourage competitive elections
In 1991, political consultant Art Hanlon was a genius. His Republican clients in the Illinois legislature -- literally by the luck of the draw -- won the right to make maps that would set district boundaries for the next decade. Hanlon's legal but creative mapping paid off for Republicans: After the...
Thursday, August 13, 2009
Top Ten Lies about My Health Care
This is really good.
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
Sunday, August 9, 2009
fauxtography | 254 up, 4 down ![]() ![]() | |
Fraudulent photography. News images that have been faked by various means, generally to promote an ideological agenda or to manipulate the emotions of the viewer. (Derived from a combination of the French term faux meaning “false,” and “-tography,” the second half of the word “photography.”) |
Saturday, August 8, 2009
Smile, You're on Government Camera!
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Are You A Terrorist?
Audit: Corrections' OT costs double in 3 years - Springfield, IL - The State Journal-Register
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A Concerned Citizen Writes an Open Letter to Congressmen all across the United States
A Concerned Citizen Writes an Open Letter to Congressmen all across the United States
By Proud AmericanDear United States Congress,
Upset constituents all across the country, are taking full advantage of the open ears of their congressmen and congresswomen, at whatever town hall opportunity arises late this summer. They may have been given various instructions on the art of the dodge before they left Washington, DC, but the voices of many can not be detoured. The Good American Citizens who support the U.S. Constitution and these United States of America are sick of the legislative games from the President on down. You who were given an opportunity and placed in charge of districts, states, and a country by conscientious voters but have done nothing but disappointed, belittled, and ridiculed our concerns.
I personally attended a Health Care Forum this past week that made national news, just like others have. That news wasn’t good and the session was more like a game of Dodge Ball. Thank goodness the ACORN/SEIU members had not yet gone on the attack as requested, by using physical altercations, here in Arkansas. It is a sad statement and side note for the Democratic Party Leaders who unleashed this action in 2009. You were elevated to a “Care, Watch, and Protect” position. You have created chaos and caused union action that injured constituents in various locations of the country. Are you proud of this? Where do you get off holding meetings in confined locales, knowing full well the anticipated interests of concerned citizens who will be arriving, then fill these same locals with pre-authorized union thugs? Where do you get off with sign up lists for questions, that classify “Listening” at a Town Hall? Where do you get off with sign in sheets that classify “Listening” at a Town Hall? As if to indicate that we as constituents are only to attend the town hall meetings to listen and not ask questions.
We need NO more speeches, we already bought those when you were voted in. We have questions and we want knowledgeable answers. We want the dogs called off, and we want to engage in real rhetoric at a real Town Hall meeting. You may not like all that is said, but it’s your job to listen to the people, once you have and own that job. If you’re not capable of completing your job functions then maybe it’s time to secure another line of work. You were not hired to plant roses.
You have gone unchecked in an administration that was given far too much leeway to accommodate the transition of power. That power is not yours to wield like a sword, it should be like a hammer to build a better future and foundation. You have moved through money like drink, and it’s time to cork the bottles. Look at your mail, your email, your faxes, your telephone call records, and your meetings. Have you once engaged in a meaningful way with the People? Have you listened or do you just give speeches and relay edicts? It is high time to reflect on your job, your duties, your constituents and our country.
Just a concerned citizen with NO ties to a manufactured right wing group.
A Concerned Citizen Writes an Open Letter to Congressmen all across the United States
Thursday, August 6, 2009
"Clean House In Congress"
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
Citizen Soldier DVD Extended Version
ninammam made the great comment -
Military, Veterans, and peace officers who will honor their oaths to defend the Constitution, will NOT just follow orders, will stand for liberty, and will save the Republic, so help us God. Our motto is:
"Not on Our Watch!" "Testing" Gov't Run Health Care (Part 2 of 3)
Nice video showing the blind followers.
Senator Joh Cornyn of Texas correspondence to President Obama regarding citizens turning in fellow citizens.
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
Marines Ban Twitter, MySpace, Facebook
The U.S. Marine Corps has banned Twitter, Facebook, MySpace and other social media sites from its networks, effective immediately.
“These internet sites in general are a proven haven for malicious actors and content and are particularly high risk due to information exposure, user generated content and targeting by adversaries,” reads a Marine Corps order, issued Monday. “The very nature of SNS [social network sites] creates a larger attack and exploitation window, exposes unnecessary information to adversaries and provides an easy conduit for information leakage that puts OPSEC [operational security], COMSEC [communications security], [and] personnel… at an elevated risk of compromise.”
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The One Word To Describe ObamaCare
Written by Dr. Dave Janda | |
Thursday, 23 July 2009 | |
As a physician who has authored books on preventative health care, I was given the opportunity to be the keynote speaker at a Congressional Dinner at The Capitol Building in Washington last Friday (7/17). The presentation was entitled Health Care Reform, The Power & Profit of Prevention, and I was gratified that it was well received. In preparation for the presentation, I read the latest version of "reform" as authored by The Obama Administration and supported by Speaker Pelosi and Senator Reid. Here is the link to the 1,018 page document: Let me summarize just a few salient points of the above plan. First, however, it should be clear that the same warning notice must be placed on The ObamaCare Plan as on a pack of cigarettes: Consuming this product will be hazardous to your health. The underlying method of cutting costs throughout the plan is based on rationing and denying care. There is no focus on preventing health care need whatever. The plan's method is the most inhumane and unethical approach to cutting costs I can imagine as a physician. The rationing of care is implemented through The National Health Care Board, according to the plan. This illustrious Board "will approve or reject treatment for patients based on the cost per treatment divided by the number of years the patient will benefit from the treatment." Translation.....if you are over 65 or have been recently diagnosed as having an advanced form of cardiac disease or aggressive cancer.....dream on if you think you will get treated.....pick out your coffin. Oh, you say this could never happen? Sorry.... this is the same model they use in Britain. The plan mandates that there will be little or no advanced treatments to be available in the future. It creates The Federal Coordinating Council For Comparative Effectiveness Research, the purpose of which is "to slow the development of new medications and technologies in order to reduce costs." Yes, this is to be the law. The plan also outlines that doctors and hospitals will be overseen and reviewed by The National Coordinator For Health Information and Technology. This " coordinator" will "monitor treatments being delivered to make sure doctors and hospitals are strictly following government guidelines that are deemed appropriate." It goes on to say....."Doctors and hospitals not adhering to guidelines will face penalties." According to those in Congress, penalties could include large six figure financial fines and possible imprisonment. So according to The ObamaCare Plan....if your doctor saves your life you might have to go to the prison to see your doctor for follow -up appointments. I believe this is the same model Stalin used in the former Soviet Union. Section 102 has the Orwellian title, "Protecting the Choice to Keep Current Coverage." What this section really mandates is that it is illegal to keep your private insurance if your status changes - e.g., if you lose or change your job, retire from your job and become a senior, graduate from college and get your first job. Yes, illegal. When Mr. Obama hosted a conference call with bloggers urging them to pressure Congress to pass his health plan as soon as possible, a blogger from Maine referenced an Investors Business Daily article that claimed Section 102 of the House health legislation would outlaw private insurance. He asked: "Is this true? Will people be able to keep their insurance and will insurers be able to write new policies even though H.R. 3200 is passed?" Mr. Obama replied: "You know, I have to say that I am not familiar with the provision you are talking about." Then there is Section 1233 of The ObamaCare Plan, devoted to "Advanced Care Planning." After each American turns 65 years of age they have to go to a mandated counseling program that is designed to end life sooner. This session is to occur every 5 years unless the person has developed a chronic illness then it must be done every year. The topics in this session will include, "how to decline hydration, nutrition and how to initiate hospice care." It is no wonder The Obama Administration does not like my emphasis on Prevention. For Mr. Obama, prevention is the "enemy" as people would live longer. I rest my case. The ObamaCare Plan is hazardous to the health of every American. After I finished my Capitol Hill presentation, I was asked by a Congressman in the question-answer session: "I'll be doing a number of network interviews on the Obama Health Care Plan. If I am asked what is the one word to describe the plan what should I answer." The answer is simple, honest, direct, analytical, sad but truthful. I told him that one word isFASCIST. Then I added, "I hope you'll have the courage to use that word, Congressman. No other word is more appropriate." Dr. Dave Janda, MD, is an orthopedic surgeon, and a world-recognized expert on the prevention of sports injuries, particularly in children. His website is Taken from: |
Sunday, August 2, 2009
How to Protest Your Congressman--Townhall Gone Wild
WASHINGTON – Call it the tea party that never ends.
WorldNetDaily aka WND
Big State Layoffs - Staff Reductions
Quinn outlines how he'll cut budget
Prison workers, health care bear brunt of budget cuts
Saturday, August 1, 2009
The End Game of the Left
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How to Brainwash a Nation
This is a very scary explanation of what has happened to American and explains why the Media and liberals think like they do. May God have mercy on us and restore the minds of America.
Bezmenov on demoralization in America
He claims Demoralization of America is already complete. A very big lesson here!! Pay close attention to the terms he uses to describe the transition. Go to YouTube and watch other interviews with Bezmenov, including the brainwashing of a Nation.