A Concerned Citizen Writes an Open Letter to Congressmen all across the United States
ByDear United States Congress,
Upset constituents all across the country, are taking full advantage of the open ears of their congressmen and congresswomen, at whatever town hall opportunity arises late this summer. They may have been given various instructions on the art of the dodge before they left Washington, DC, but the voices of many can not be detoured. The Good American Citizens who support the U.S. Constitution and these United States of America are sick of the legislative games from the President on down. You who were given an opportunity and placed in charge of districts, states, and a country by conscientious voters but have done nothing but disappointed, belittled, and ridiculed our concerns.
I personally attended a Health Care Forum this past week that made national news, just like others have. That news wasn’t good and the session was more like a game of Dodge Ball. Thank goodness the ACORN/SEIU members had not yet gone on the attack as requested, by using physical altercations, here in Arkansas. It is a sad statement and side note for the Democratic Party Leaders who unleashed this action in 2009. You were elevated to a “Care, Watch, and Protect” position. You have created chaos and caused union action that injured constituents in various locations of the country. Are you proud of this? Where do you get off holding meetings in confined locales, knowing full well the anticipated interests of concerned citizens who will be arriving, then fill these same locals with pre-authorized union thugs? Where do you get off with sign up lists for questions, that classify “Listening” at a Town Hall? Where do you get off with sign in sheets that classify “Listening” at a Town Hall? As if to indicate that we as constituents are only to attend the town hall meetings to listen and not ask questions.
We need NO more speeches, we already bought those when you were voted in. We have questions and we want knowledgeable answers. We want the dogs called off, and we want to engage in real rhetoric at a real Town Hall meeting. You may not like all that is said, but it’s your job to listen to the people, once you have and own that job. If you’re not capable of completing your job functions then maybe it’s time to secure another line of work. You were not hired to plant roses.
You have gone unchecked in an administration that was given far too much leeway to accommodate the transition of power. That power is not yours to wield like a sword, it should be like a hammer to build a better future and foundation. You have moved through money like drink, and it’s time to cork the bottles. Look at your mail, your email, your faxes, your telephone call records, and your meetings. Have you once engaged in a meaningful way with the People? Have you listened or do you just give speeches and relay edicts? It is high time to reflect on your job, your duties, your constituents and our country.
Just a concerned citizen with NO ties to a manufactured right wing group.
A Concerned Citizen Writes an Open Letter to Congressmen all across the United States
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