Sunday, July 5, 2009

Cut 2500 State positions even if he gets the budget he wants.

Click on title above to read the newspaper article from The State Journal Register - Springfield, IL.

The statement below is taken from the paragraph 6th from the bottom.

Quinn has said he’ll need to cut more than 2,500 state positions and require workers to take 12 unpaid furlough days even if he gets the budget he wants. The layoff total could top 10,000 if money shortages continue, Quinn has warned.

The 4th paragraph from the top says: "We can’t budget based on a promise,” said Pam Sutherland of Planned Parenthood of Illinois, ..." Question: Why do the tav payers pay Planned Parenthood? If it is a successful organization it would stand on it's own.

Why does the State fund the personal service of people. Could it be that they have friends and cronies running them, invested in them, owned by them and they in turn get donations, kickbacks, votes and other support from them?

Why does Quinn and the State of Illinois feel it needs to pay for every service and then in turn threaten to cut the budget on the back of the State employees that are providing safety to the citizens of Illinois. If the cuts in the public safety fields, State Police & Corrections like he is claiming he will need there will be an increase in criminal activity on the street and in the prisons.

The safety & well-being of the citizens of Illinois and staff will be jeopardized. The prisons in Illinois are already understaffed. The staff are mandated to work double shifts. With additional cuts the staff will be forced (prisons must be manned) to work more shifts causing illness and fatigue. Staff in a fatigued state in a prison is very dangerous both for the staff and the inmates. The inmates that are weak, do not belong to a gang, have desired property, will be harmed physically, sexually, emotionally and financially. And the truth being told when the staffing is reduced the same dangers are placed on staff with physical danger becoming a daily reality.

I don’t know about you but I would not like going to work every day worried if I was going to get assaulted, raped, or killed doing my job.

So I have to ask one more time, why do we fund organizations like Planned Parenthood and fail to fund safety in the State?


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