Friday, July 3, 2009

When will the auction begin?

So when will the auctions begin? I know the White House and all other levels of government, including Illinois will soon be auctioning off all the limousines, luxury cars, SUVs and aircraft in their fleets.

I want to be included in the list of people on the bid list. I would like to get a stretch limo or escalade for a good price. I would really like to get one of the vehicles that Al Gore has used.

See I know that these will go up for auction soon because our government officials are decent upstanding and concerned people. With Global Warming and now the big push to reduce carbon they will be downsizing from the limousines, luxury cars, SUVs and huge polluting aircraft to the Chevy Aveo (Government Motors) and smaller SUVs and glider planes.

I know these politicians will step up to the plate and lead by example. After all social conscientiousness comes before personal needs and wants. Correct?

Actually it is hard to use the word conscientiousness and politician in the same paragraph, especially with the leaders in Illinois.

conscientious |ˌkän ch ēˈen ch əs|


(of a person) wishing to do what is right, esp. to do one's work or duty well and thoroughly : a conscientious and hardworking clerk.

(of work or a person's manner) showing such an attitude : a conscientious and purposeful look on her face.

relating to a person's conscience : the act does not provide exemption from service on the basis of personal conscientious beliefs.

However, the last statement in the definition scares me. Because if they are truly working from ‘the basis of personal conscience beliefs’ I am totally afraid of their ‘inner feeling or voice’. If there is something inside driving them to believe that what they are doing is good, sound, and positive for society I am concerned about this feeling/voice and the origins of such. It is not good.

conscience |ˈkän ch əns|


an inner feeling or voice viewed as acting as a guide to the rightness or wrongness of one's behavior : he had a guilty conscience about his desires | Ben was suffering a pang of conscience.

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