Wednesday, July 15, 2009

House, Senate approve state budget | Clout Street - local political coverage

House, Senate approve state budget | Clout Street - local political coverage

"We're doing this because we have to do it, but it's wrong that we have to do it," said Senate President John Cullerton of the budget package, vowing an income-tax hike vote in January.” Mr. Cullerton if it is wrong why are you, the Senate President allowing it to happen? Leadership at its finest.

“The delay in enacting a state budget was a result of a test of wills between rookie Democratic Gov. Pat Quinn and the two veteran Chicago Democratic leaders of the legislature, House Speaker Michael Madigan and Senate President John Cullerton.” It is time to to take the control of the State back from Chicago and Cook County. They have had control of the State way to long and spent all the money in Cook and Chicago. Cook and Chicago should be the biggest providers for the State but they are the biggest abusers of power and money. You can vote.

“A tax-hike vote, assuming one still takes place, would be put off until late fall. That's when legislators will know if they face strong opposition.” This is because they are afraid to stand on their principles, if they have any. They will spend, spend, spend and tax, tax, tax when they think the voters will not notice, or remember until the next election. You can vote.

“State lawmakers also would have to take a dozen unpaid days off.” With no perks? Correct? How many days do the actually work?

“"Essentially by doing this, we have made him the king of Illinois," Sen. Donne Trotter (D-Chicago) said of giving Quinn emergency power to trim state spending.” I repeat, it is time to take the royalty out of Cook and Chicago. You can vote.

“But Rep. Jack Franks (D-Marengo) said the move meant lawmakers are playing politics and the action meant state officials are "going to borrow ourselves into oblivion."

"We're on the brink of a man-made disaster," Franks said, adding: "This is nothing more than smoke and mirrors....It's irresponsible and it's reckless."”
Thank you Mr Franks for speaking the truth. Thanks.

Now the Legislators in Illinois, including Mr. Cullerton, Mr. Madigan and the rest of the Cook - Chicago cronies, need to work on next years budget, and the year after that and the year after that. It is time that you start passing bills that will reduce the deficit, reduce needles spending, pull back the reign on the money for the programs that do nothing but allow your friends to have meeting in $1,000 and $10,000 suites pretending to advance society.

It is time the government, in Illinois especially, took on the role of government and not the entitled, elitist thieves that they have become. Career politicians need to be a thing of the past. Career civil servants, yes, that I can live with. Senate President Jones knew what is coming and it is a storm that will clean the house and the senate.

“In matters of style, swim with the current; in matters of principle, stand like a rock.”
[Thomas Jefferson]

“Never spend your money before you have it.”
[Thomas Jefferson]

“The ballot is stronger than the bullet.”
[Abraham Lincoln]

And we will be voting.

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