When will the poor, immigrants (legal), and the minorities wake up and see the truth? They are, slow but sure. What is the truth?
They are starting to see what the government, especially the Democrats (Chicago and Cook County best examples) with Republican blessings have been doing to them. But just in case you are not sure of what they have been doing let me lay it out for you.
Immigrants from all around the world have been drawn to the USA for decades, drawn by a capitalist society where they can make a living for themselves and their family. It is (was) a country where the poor could come up with an idea, market it, sell it and become successful even rich. This was not only true about the immigrants from across the sea’s but for the great migration from the South. The African-American came to Chicago in search of a good lfe based on making an honest living and hopefully more.
Then enter the government. They provide a helping hand, or at least say they will. If you qualify the government will assist you with your housing, food, and health care. Sounds like a good deal, a little help until you can get on your feet, but.
You accept the help. Then as you start to get on your feet and think you can make a move up the ladder the government advises you that if you go up the ladder one more step you will lose the government aide that will put you five steps back down the ladder. You assess your options. You are okay where you are, would like to go up, but if you go up 1 step you will be forced back 5 so you would be 4 steps below where you are. That 1 step increase cannot cover the 4 steps backwards so what do you do? Most would stay relied on the government because they have told you that the companies and the world is against you, especially if you are a minority or an immigrant. Fear has always worked in the past.
If that was not bad enough, lets look at what the government, again Chicago and Cook County being the prime examples, have done to the successful America. They promote all the new programs and benefits that they are going to provide for the poor, ailing and the aged. They come up with a price tag and the tax payers, (in the past) have always opened their hearts and pocketbooks to finance these programs.
Once the government gets the funding, they find ways to displace the poor (projects in Chicago all but gone) reduce the need and redirect the money. The State is the best at this, if you have ever seen any money go from a Special Fund (Lottery money only for education, was how Illinois bought that one) and then re-direct it to General Revenue Fund you can kiss it good bye. So then what do they do.
In the case of Chicago you scrap some item from the “rich” remove Mig’s Field, sell the Sky Way (which will produce billions) and sell the parking meters. Then say how they are broke.
So they have reduced programs by reducing the number of poor pushing them out of the area, eliminate perks for a few, sold public property which brings in revenue and then tell you they are broke. Problem is people have been watching how they spend money on perks, and increase values in their lives while taking it from the real workers and depriving it from those who want to advance their lives.
Years ago I read a very good book on how this is set up it is titled: There Are No Children Here by Alex Kotlowitz. It is sad, very sad what the welfare system has done to America. It had good intentions but once politicians found out that they can use it to gain votes and gain personal glory and financial gain they went totally rotten. And then blame the odor on the poor and the rich but not on this elite group called politician.
Bad news, they have almost destroyed America. Good news - people, poor, rich, immigrant, and citizens are waking up and realizing the odor is in the halls and domes of the elected.
If you are an elected official and you feel threatened by this type of talk good your days are numbered (do you hear that GOP Moderates). If you are an elected official and this disturbs you, but not to fear, good! Good because you might not be one at the root of this type of treason on America and you can begin to undo the mess and right things.
America can still be the county where dreams become real. America please realize controlled socialism is what has brought us to where we are, unleashed socialism will take us to where Russia and Cuba are.
We are, and will be, the land of the brave, land where dreams are realized and most of all The Land of the Free.
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